Thursday, September 27, 2012

WLT: Sigh

Wow, I have really fallen off the wagon with my WLW posts....

Part of it is I've been so exhausted from work that I think my brain has been shutting down without my consent. The other part is with Scale being out of commission, I haven't been as strict with my weight-loss attempts as I should be.

So yeah. Weak ass excuse. But there you have it.

Although I will say, I recently saw a few photos of myself while participating in Ignite Peace Region, and I'm utterly horrified by how I look.

After this weekend, the slacking off will stop. I need to step it up for a number of reasons and it needs to start right away.

For now, I'm off to Vancouver tomorrow morning for a conference, and will finally be seeing one of my most favourite bands ever in life – Garbage.

This is a bucket list show for me, so I've extra extra excited for it.

So here's a song that was pretty much the soundtrack to my emo teenage existence.

See ya when I get back!

Songs and swag,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So today is my 30th birthday.

I always thought I'd feel really old at 30. Maybe it was because I thought the portion of my life and existence as a "young adult" was essentially over. maybe it's because the older I get, the more aware I become of my own mortality.

But I don't feel old. I feel like me. I take that as a good sign. My life isn't anywhere near over. It's just ongoing.

Here are the flowers that my mum sent to my office from her, the Old Man, my brother, sister, her husband and daughter. I like stuffed animals, I will never feel too old for stuffies!

Yay for purple!! 

Then later on, my co-workers were acting all shifty, calling me out of the office so the boss could come in with some stuff. K-News and K-Sports were apparently on Gchat all day talking about it – I'm actually impressed they were able to keep a straight face all day.

I got a cupcake, a nice card and this lovely little memento:

I cannot put into words how awesome this is.

So all in all, it's been a good day. I welcome my Dirty Thirties, and I expect this will be a pretty good year!

Whiskey and Smokes,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WLW: Soda Pop Gods

Life is funny sometimes. Not "ha ha" funny, but like "fuck you" funny.

Okay, "fuck you" might be a little harsh, but still. it's like the universe decided to throw another temptation at me while I try and rid myself of my one true vice.

I love pop. I really do. I'd take a can of pop over chips or candy. But I've been trying to cut it out of my diet because it's so fucking bad for you.

Well guess what the Soda Pop Gods decided to do recently?

They brought back Wild Cherry Pepsi.

Fuck you and your amazingness, Pepsi!!!!

I abso-fucking-loutely loved Wild Cherry Pepsi way back when it first came out. And now it's even in diet form! Holy fuck!!

I bought a case. I have consumed it. I'm going to try and have the willpower to not buy another case.

It's going to be very difficult...

In other news, I'm completely convinced that Scale is broken, since I've weighed anything from 195 pounds to 232 pounds this week. If that's not a sign that Scale needs replacing, I don't know what is.

The gym has actually been going well. I must have strengthened up my knees sometime in the last year, because I don't get that horrible burning pain in them whenever I use the elliptical machine like I used to. So that's a bonus!

Plus we're back to bellydancing again, which is going to kick my ass for the next few weeks while my body remembers what it's like to use those dance muscles again.

So yeah. That's all I got right now.

Have a lovely day,

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baby Bunny Song

Just found this while scanning the interwebz. Made me squee a little.

Seriously, who doesn't love baby bunnies? Awful people, that's who!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WLW: Busted

I think Scale might be broken. Or possibly in need of an (attitude) adjustment.

See, I've been incredibly lazy since the Emperor's Challenge. I've done shit fuck all in terms of exercise, and my eating habits were less than subpar for the week and a half that followed it. So I naturally expected to be up a bit once I finally stepped on Scale's face again.

My first time stepping on Scale had me at 228. Holy fucksandwich, that was not good. So I started going back to eating better and the number went down to 226. Yay!

Twenty-four hours after weighing in at that 226, I stepped on Scale again, and some miracle happened. I magically lost 9 pounds overnight and weighed in at 217.

Okay, what the fuck?

That says to me that something is wrong with Scale, although I'm going to keep an eye on it and see if it wasn't just a fluke or if my fat just magically disappeared.

Wouldn't the latter be wonderful?!

Anyhoo, these early mornings are really fucking with my eating habits. I can't bring myself to eat oatmeal in the morning anymore because it looks like cat puke after I warm it up. I've now switched to Greek yogurt and fruit, which is much easier to handle at 6 a.m.

I did bad this week, twice, because my coffee shop reopened after a month and I was finally able to get a good second travle mug of coffee that I caved and got one of their amazing muffin both today and yesterday.

No more fucking muffins after this!!!

But we're so tasty, Ginger...

Bellydance is starting up again tonight, I believe. Either way, I am dedicated to going to the gym tomorrow as soon as I'm done work. An hour on the treadmill or stationary bike will do me some good.

For now, I'm going to have some soup and rest my weary brain.

Happy Hump Day,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Life as a Daywalker

So it's a week into my new life as a Daywalker... meaning my new shift of 5 a.m. to 1 p.m.

It's not like this is a new thing in my life – I've worked morning shifts since I started working at the age of 14. Housekeeping, prep cook, clerk, golf course maintenance; all of these jobs involved me starting work at 6 a.m. or earlier.

I must be getting old or something, because it's getting harder to adjust to the switch in schedule.

Coffee is no longer any help in this situation. One travel mug isn't enough; more than that and it feels like I have a stomach full of battery acid.

I had every intention of going to the gym this week, but that dream's been a little shattered since I only got four hours of sleep last night and I really needed a nap.

I would really like to get past this exhausted stage.

For now, here's a baby ocelot. Behold it's epic cuteness!

G'night folks.
