Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shiny and New

We escaped the alleged Mayan apocalypse, the days are going to get longer from here on out and I'm watching Lost from the very beginning once again. Must be a new year looming on the horizon.

Another year has past, whoopdee-damn-do. Every friggin' day I wake up is a new beginning, no point in making a huge deal out of yet another new calendar year, right? Plus I'm going totally against the grain by NOT posting this on New Year's Day! Suck it, Conformity!

That said, I do have somethings I need to work on and actually do this coming year, so here's my list of things I need to do in 2013:

1) Buy a new Vehicle

It saddens me to say this, but I truly believe this will the Lumina's last winter. My car is 16 years old, and it has served me very well in the last four and a half years. Little things that really aren't worth spending the money to fix are starting to go – like the automatic locks – and when you live this far north, you really need a car that actually defrosts the interior like it's supposed to. I can't even count how many times I've started driving around here in the winter only to have my wind shield ice up while I'm moving. Dangerous.

2) Buy new Glasses

I love my nerd glasses, but they are actually broken. I really shouldn't be wearing them, but I hate my backup pair and I'm out of contacts until the new ones arrive. But I need to make an eye appointment as it's been like two years and I have no idea if I've gotten blinder in that time. Most likely I have. The specially-made thinner lenses that I need in order to not look like I'm wearing coke bottle gogs are extra expensive, which has been part of the reason for my putting it off.

3) Make some Art

I haven't done anything overly creative in terms of art in something like two years. That REALLY needs to change. Taking photos for the paper doesn't count either. I need to pull out my art history textbooks and reconnect with my inner artist, as cheesy as that sounds. All my artistic knowledge has been seeping out of my brain to the point that I doubt I could answer any Jeopardy questions about modern art. That's bad for me. Make some stuff, see if it's good enough to submit somewhere, I don't know. That's Rene Magritte's The Son of Man, by the way. Surrealism, bitches!

4) Figure out my Budget

I don't live paycheck to paycheck like a lot of people, so for that I'm eternally grateful. However, I know I could be saving a lot more money and I really shouldn't have such a high balance on my credit card. That's going to involve curtailing my online shopping habit, which is going to suck balls. So my goal is to finally pay off that beast of a card and keep socking away a few dollars for important stuff. Like the inevitable car payments and derby road trips. Important shit, you know?

5) Adjust my Eating Habits

I say this every damn year, so why break that streak? Eat better, lose weight, yadda yadda yadda. Moving on!

6) Write stuff that's Not Work Related

I would like to work on my short prose skills, essay writing, that sort of thing. I'd like to try and get my work published somewhere else, although that may be a conflict of interest issue. Though, since my paper doesn't print short fiction, maybe it won't be? Gotta figure this out. I have a lot of stories in my head that I would really like to get down on paper, as it were. Also write more on here as well. I kind of fell off that wagon in the last few months.

I'm sure there's a lot more I could put down here, but let's not go batshit crazy. One baby step at a time.
