Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Week in Photos: Jan. 15-21

Another week of photos...

January 15: Shimmy coins!

January 16: The hockey rink smells like sweaty gear and popcorn.

January 17: Beer will make everything better, I promise.

January 18: Oh look, it's snowing again.

January 19: Keisha makes the best imaginary cookies.

January 20: My gym is always empty on first thing in the morning. Just how I like it.

January 21: The Morgue. All that history.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Random Dreams

Last night I had a dream.

I dreamed that someone told me I needed to abandon my life. That I had to leave everything behind and just go.

I don't know why I had to do this, but I did. I took a few things, clothes and the like, got into my car and prepared to go...

When I realized there was no way I could leave my cats behind.

The person who told me to leave said my cats would be fine, they'd find a good home for them.

It didn't matter.

I got a major attack of the guilts and went back for the kitties. Packed them both into one carrier (this would never happen in real life, they'd kill each other), got back in the car and started driving.

I didn't make it very far before I woke up.

What does it mean? I think it really does confirm that I am truly a Crazy Cat Lady.

So be it.