Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday: Yay for ill-fitting clothes!

It's been a good week.

I haven't had as many cravings for junk food as I usually do, which surprised me a little bit. I really wanted a bagel the other night, but after coming to the conclusion that I wasn't actually hungry, just kinda bored, I managed to get past it.

But even better than that, I think, is the fact that I'm really starting to see some changes. I didn't for awhile, mostly because I hadn't lost that much, but this week I can definitely see it.

I can see my cheek bones without having to make a fish face like this:

Fishy face!!!

Also, my clothes are getting baggier.

Fuck, yes!

My shirts are getting looser, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.... in that some shirts I actually like, I can't wear anymore. And I have some pretty cute shirts.

My size 14 jeans are hanging off my ass, and I've still been wearing them despite it. But, today, I managed to squeeze my butt into a size 12 pair of the same jeans. Hells, yeah!

Last night at derby, I decided to take a pair of shorts I ordered from Pivotstar a few months ago for a test drive. When I received them, I wasn't able to pull them up past my butt. Now, I can not only get them up past my butt, but actually do them up!

Oh and it feels so good!

PLUS! This oh so super cute top I ordered online from Sourpuss Clothing arrived today, and combined with my new "skinny" jeans, I must say, I feel pretty damn good.

That's the important thing, right? How I feel?

I have far more energy than I used to. I'm not nearly as bagged after lunch like I was back when I'd eat a sandwich, chips, a chocolate bar, a diet pop and maybe a banana that I really only ate 'cause I was being "healthy."

I still need my coffee in the morning, and occasionally in the afternoon, but that's more due to a lack of sleep rather than a food coma.

So I guess it's time for the official number.

Starting Weight: 235.5 lbs

Previous Weight: 230.5 lbs

My current weight it....

*Biggest Loser scale beeping*

225.5 lbs

In case you're like me and not so good with the math, that's five pounds, bitches!

Total Weight Loss: 10 lbs

Let's celebrate with cupcakes!!!!

Hooray for weight loss... now gimme!!!!

Okay, maybe not.

Not until Saturday, anyway. Then it's off on holidays! W00t!

I should be able to continue on this path with no problem – going to my mom's house is like going to a fat farm, there's no junk food in the house and she's adamant about the exercise. Plus, I'll have the chance to get in a few derby practices with the East Kootenay Roller Derby League.

But, it's still holidays, so we'll just say 2 pounds for next week again?

Sounds good to me.

Icing and Sprinkles,

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