Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WLW: Solstice

This time of the year is so goddamn crazy that I've barely been able to get to the track. I missed two days last week and one this week already! Yes, I went on Saturday, but once in five days is not good. At least I've still been able to do the morning workout.

But yesterday, I finally made it to the track after work even though my knee was all stiff and angry. It went by rather quickly as I spent most of my walk day dreaming about being skinny. I think I almost walked into a few people because of this.

It's actually a relief that today is the Winter Solstice and the days will gradually start getting longer. My energy levels have been down to nothing lately, all I do when I'm home is lay on the couch and cuddle with my kitties.

Stormy doesn't have a problem with this.

Wow, hello arm fat. Why did I post that?


I was a little bad this week – after working an 11 hour day on Friday, brain fried and completely exhausted, I couldn't bring myself to go home and cook myself supper. So I went to Panago and ordered a pizza.

It was a medium, multigrain thin crust with pepperoni, black olives and extra cheese. And it was fucking delicious. As was the Italian Garlic dipping sauce.

That thin crust is the only way I can eat pizza now. Regular crust sends me into a carb coma, which is no fun at all.

I also had a little bowl of pasta for dinner at my sister's place. It was tasty, yet also slightly carb coma-inducing. Not as bad as I've had it before, but I was still pretty bagged after eating it.

But aside from that, I've been eating reasonably well. Which wasn't enough to show a significant loss this week – I was 224.9 last week... this week I'm 224.8. So the pizza and pasta likely weren't the best idea. But I am an emotional/stress eater, so shit like this tends to happen this time of year.

The fact that I'm not actually gaining anything is something to acknowledge, I think. Yay.

But you know what? I actually look pretty darn good for a bitch in the 220 range. I'll be doing my measurements next week to see how many inches I've gone down (my belly doesn't stick out anymore, so I damn well better have lost inches!) and hopefully if I just keep doing what I'm doing, Scale will start to play catch up. But we all know that Scale is a dirtbag asshole, so we'll just have to wait and see.

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa or whatever the hell you celebrate or don't celebrate. Just have a good week, okay?

Much love,

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