Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WLW: A Bunch of Expletives

As you read this, I am on Day 3 of my new eating plan. I decided that it would likely be better for everyone around me if I didn't do the hardcore vegan thing, because apparently you turn into a raging  psycho bitch while your body adjusts.

Instead, I'm going to all-natural-mostly-vegetarian route. I'm reading all the labels of the food I buy and make sure there's not 20 ingredients and nothing I can't pronounce. I will still eat some dairy, like cheese (there's only one kind in this town that fits the aforementioned criteria) and some yogurt, but I'll be limiting my meat consumption to once a week.

This way I'm only a slightly raging, not completely, but maybe a little psycho, bitch.

I'm already feeling cranky, and it's only been a few days! At least I'm not all jittery like I was when I cut sugar out completely like last year. I still get fruit, so I do still get some sugars, but they're natural sugars, so it's okay.

I was almost foiled in this fiendish plot by having to go to a staff lunch at the pub across the street on Monday. I had a large size version of their garden salad while everyone else had fancy-schmancy sandwiches. I bet those sandwiches tasted really good.


You know, I really do feel like an ass complaining about not being able to eat whatever the Hell I want when there are starving people in the world. Seriously, I feel like the biggest douchebag. Dieting is a First World Problem, and I really ought not to complain about it...

Okay, enough figurative self-flagellation. Moving on.

Right now I get fruit for breakfast, veggies, salad and hummus for lunch, and I'm supposed to have more salad and veggies and a protein (beans) for dinner. Unfortunately the last two nights have been Derby nights, and I don't ever eat on a regular schedule on Derby nights.

I'm finding I actually like all-natural peanut butter, even though I've never really eaten peanut butter unless it's wrapped up in chocolate. It doesn't have anything in it to keep the oil and peanuts from separating, so it's much runnier than the usual Skippy for find in the store. But it tastes good on apples.

Ooooh, apples with weird melty peanut butter...

Now, I spent five of the previous seven days not giving a fuck about what I was eating, since I knew I'd be starting the cleaner eating on Monday. I had hot dogs, movie theatre popcorn, a cheeseburger and poutine. I avoided Scale like the plague just because I was afraid of what the number would say after those five days.

So instead of going by what I weighed on Monday when I started, I'll just go by what I weighed last WLW, which was something like 222.6 or whatever. As of this morning I'm at 219.4 pounds.

It's probably water weight, but I'll take it.

For now, I'm going to enjoy the first meat I've had since Sunday with my dinner – a big giant salad with shrimp and cucumbers.

 Let's hope I make it through the next week... especially with it being Beer and Pickles night after Derby tomorrow...

Gin and Tonic,

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