Friday, June 29, 2012

WLF: Hello Holidays

Okay, clearly this is not Weight Loss Wednesday, since Wednesday was like two days ago, but I do have a reason!

I've been getting up before 6 a.m. to go hike every morning, and then coming back to Mom's house, eating, showering, then passing out until 11.

I figured all that would throw off my weigh in, so I decided to wait until Friday when I wouldn't be getting up before 5 a.m. my time to attempt stepping on Mom's Scale. Which apparently according to her isn't all that accurate and likely older than her. I think that's a slight exaggeration.

So, I'm a week into my vacay and I've been hiking and eating properly and all that good stuff. I had three Molson Canadian 67 beers last night, which is probably why I'm still at 220 when I was actually at 217.3 the morning I left. Plus we had Israeli takeout last night for dinner, and falafel is deep fried, but that's okay because it was yummy!

I also decided it was time for another change, so I went to my old pal D and had her cut my hair off.

Good morning, world... can I go back to bed now?

Now we're about to embark on a trip to Alberta for my cousin's wedding, where alcohol will be imbibed in great amounts, because that's how it works when I'm with my extended family.

I'm in a much better frame of mind than I was last week, so that's a good thing. Seeing old friends, the babies of old friends and not having to be at work has calmed me down some.

But I gotta go get ready now, so I'm going to leave you with this uber inspirational image I took yesterday at 6 a.m.

Because Journey makes everything better.

Happy holidays!

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