Friday, August 24, 2012

WLF: Seriously...

I've been trying to get my shit together to ensure I actually updated on time this week, but then it was Painsley's birthday on Wednesday and beer robbed me of my senses.

Beer is evil. And delicious.

Also I've been incredibly distracted with reading The Hunger Games trilogy. I bought the box set last week and I'm half way through Mockingjay. Damn work gets in the way of my reading time!

Speaking of work, I'm going to be changing my schedule around so I'm starting at 5 a.m. and working until 1 p.m.

Yeah, absorb that for a minute.


Kay, I haven't gone insane or anything, I'm willingly doing this. However, it's probably going to fuck with my eating schedule a bit while I get used to it. I can't bring myself to eat that early in the morning, so I'll likely be brining fruit to the office to eat at a more reasonable time.

I'm also thinking of getting a coffee maker to keep on my desk. I'm really really really going to need it because I am a right fucking bitch that early in the morning.

This all starts on Monday, so I have a couple days to not think about what 4:45 in the morning feels like. But it'll be nice to have the whole rest of the day to do whatever.

So yeah, I still haven't quite done a whole lot of exercise this week, although my eating has been better than it was last week. Still not stepping on the scale, though I may regret that later on.

That's all I got for now. Here's a photo of a cow I took at the fall far last weekend!


I like cows.

Beer and Books,

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