I've come to the conclusion that my life has turned into a sitcom. I'm going to call it F*** My Life.
My day started with the cats waking me up at 5 a.m. Not because they needed anything, they just felt like yowling and raking their claws down the closet door.
I should also point out that one of them was swishing their tail in my face and caused a bunch of loose car hair to go up my nose, which triggered a massive increase in snot production and sneezing.
I think I finally fell back asleep about 20 minutes before my alarm went off.
Dragging my miserable ass out of bed, I made my way to work where it felt like I couldn't do anything right all goddamn day, which made the day feel a lot longer than it actually was.
Finally I got ready to go home. Trying to cross the street to get to my car was extraordinarily treacherous in some spots as the chinook blowing outside was melting the snow, yet it was freezing as well, making for very wet and slippery ice.
By some miracle, I managed not to fall on my ass like I have in the past. Perhaps the day is looking up?
Oh no it's not.
Having parked my car on the street, the driver's side was covered in dirt from passing cars, making it nearly impossible for me to see out my window. Deciding to just drive around for a bit to clear my head, I came to a point where I was going to have to turn left.
Not being able to see out the left side, I rolled down the window to see how far away the oncoming traffic was.
I should mention that I was stopped right in front of a massive puddle. Did I mention there's a chinook outside?
As soon as my window was down, a jacked up pickup truck burned past me through the puddle kicking up a massive splash which then was blown through my open window and right into my face.
I'm not even kidding.
I sat it my car, drenched in mud puddle water and laughed that sad little laugh you use when it's either that or start crying.
And then I went home. Sorry ladies in my dance troupe, but there was no way I could face people after that.
So I'm just going to drink my beer and hope it gives me just enough of a buzz to knock me out.
Tomorrow's another day.