Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WLW Post Vaycay:

Okay, so I admit I slacked off a bit when it came to my eating during my vaycay.

While at mom's place I was pretty good, but did incorporate one serving of complex carbs per day and more fruit into my daly meals.

I've missed fruit... so verymuch. I don't know if it was just a really good batch, or if I'd actually forgotten how they taste, but goddamn, I love strawberries! Bananas too.

I love you, Strawberries.... stupid little seeds and all.

I didn't have much of an issue with the carbs I did have, at mom's house, anyway. The parents make random trips to the U.S. to hit up the Costco's that have "skinny bread", as well as turkey sausages and black bean burgers that, surprisingly, don't taste like shit.

As a treat for me, who's never had the chance to go on a little roadtrip to Montana, the parents and I ventured down for two days to do some shopping. Mom had made me a deal back in June that if I managed to lose 20 pounds by the time I went home, she'd buy me a bunch of new clothes when we went to the States.

Well, that didn't happen, but she did by me one of the shirts I liked, so I guess that's pretty close.

Anyhoo, food was not my friend south of the border (wow, that could be taken in a variety of ways, couldn't it?). When we got there we were starving, so we headed to this restaurant that my parents really liked. After waiting far too long for drinks, orders taken, a moron for a waitress, we didn't really care that the food was only lukewarm and we didn't get everything we asked for, we just ate.

Attempting to try something different, rather than ordering a burger I picked lobster linguine. It tasted fine, I thought.

About an hour and a half later, I wasn't thinking that anymore. My stomach was burning and my throat felt like it was wide open enough to swallow a watermelon completely whole. In other words, I felt like vomiting. And feeling like that, stuck in a hotel room with the little trashcan and attempting to distract myself by watching South Park made for a very unhappy Ginger.

Oddly enough, I didn't puke, and the feeling went away after a couple hours. Mom wonders if I didn't have a bad reaction to the carbs in the pasta, or if it was the lobster. I did eat some fries and a dinner roll as well that night, so part of me wants to lean towards the former.

That night left me feeling pretty wrecked the next day, so all I managed to eat was some yogourt in the morning. Still didn't have much of an appetite by lunch, which sucked because lunch was amazeballs!

There is nothing I want more in this area than for someone to open an Mongolian Grill, for serious. The one bowl I did managed to eat (the parents had four, each!) was absolutely delicious!

Meat, noodles, veggies and sauce... I could get used to that.

Another thing that astounded me when I was there was everything they have that's not available in Canada.

Mountain Dew in every colour of the rainbow, all those crappy cereals that I loved but only got when they were on sale for like 90% off, Keebler cookies, everything hostess ever made that I used to be able to see in a 7-Eleven... and what I really consider the crowning glory... cherry flavoured Coke Zero.

Seriously, why the FUCK isn't this available in Canada?!!?

It's probably for the best that all the tasty and delicious and totally bad for you stuff is across the boarder. And far away from me.

So anyways, on with the show.

Last update, I was sitting at 225.5 lbs, as far as I could see on mom's crappy scale.

This week's weight is...

*beep, beep, beep....*

222.4 lbs.

I'm down 13.1 lbs in eight weeks. I can deinitely live with that.

I'm gonna stick with the regular two pound goal for next week... since I'm incorporating fruit and whatnot back into my eating, I don't really know if the weight will come off the same way.

Cherry and Coke,

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