Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WLW: Vaycay

Being on holidays while trying to follow my eating plan would be far more difficult if I didn't have the mother I have.

Like I said last week, going to mom's is a lot like going to a fat farm. Your meals are mostly vegetables, some protien and you only get carbs once a day. Like tonight, we're haivng black bean vegetarian burgers with what she calls "skinny bread" that she gets from the States. It's almost like little pitas or something.

Oh yeah, and at least twice a week, she and the old man eats vegetarian meals.

So you think I'd have doen awesome this week, right?

Well, I'm not entirely sure, 'cause Mom's only got one of those spinny-dial scales and I can't really read it, but by the looks of it, I've just managed to maintain this week

Which is fine. I am on vaycay, after all.

Plus, I smashed my knee pretty hard into concrete last week at derby practice, which had ruined pretty much all of my exercise plans up to this point. The knee is a lot better today, so after I go make glass beads for a few hours, I'll be taking a nice long walk around town... maybe even swing by the post office and collect the new knee pads that I ordered after the old ones failed to protect my knee from being smashed into the concrete!

Pieces of shit.... ah well. I did just find out I am for serious on the roster for our game next Saturday, which is total Yay! I'll have to wear the new knee pads around the house to get used to them beforehand.

Oh, and I have to share the awesome salad I had last night, I'm so making it when I get home. Mom and I went to one of the vacation resorts in the area for dinner last night and we had their Artisan Greens salad... it's mixed greens with strawberries, smoked hazelnuts and goat cheese, topped with a balsamic vinigerette. So fucking delicious!

And yes, you read that right. I ate strawberries. I'm actually eating fruit while I'm here, which could be the reason for my weight statying put, but I don't think so. Fruit is too good for you. Beside, mom and I split a cinnimon bun after dinner last night - that probably didn't help.

So, grand total weight loss this week is....

*Biggest Loser Beeps*


But I didn't gain anything, so I win! Yay!

Beans and Burgers,

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Glass beads! Better make one for your jewelry-obsessed friend in FSJ :)
