Sunday, November 20, 2011

WLW: finally....

I have been good as gold this week with my eating.

Well, maybe not totally... I did have some Werther's chocolate, but that's it. I went out for lunch with a friend and had a salad instead of a burger and fries, and had soup when I went with my sister. I didn't buy chips or any other crap.

This may have something to do with the fact that my car was in the shop.

See, we got a massive dump of snow on Nov. 17, the same day my car decided not to start. The lack of a vehicle, combined with the unpleasant weather, limited my ability to just take off to the store to find myself some snackies. If I was that motivated I suppose I could have walked, but it was cold out and I didn't wanna.

Like this, but times a billion.

I had no choice but to eat what I had in the house for most of the week, so I think that helped. My sister was kind enough to take my grocery shopping so I could stock up on vegetables, which is where I got the chocolate.

I did have one bad meal, though. Which is likely a contributing factor to this week's number. See, I have that Do Not Eat list, and it's full of mostly carby-starchy stuff, such as pasta.

Well, when I finally got my car back, I celebrated by going to the store to find something different for dinner – the thought of eating salad and fish/chicken again made me want to barf. I knew I was on track for a loss this week from eating that salad and fish, but I just needed something else.

So after wandering around aimlessly for like 20 minutes; going up and down the frozen pizza aisles, saying 'no' to that; considering a different meat, like steak or pork; wondering just how bad it would it be if I just three bags of chips and called it a day.

Then, after my third trip down Dairy Lane, I stopped at the end after spying the so-called fresh pasta. Now, pasta is on the Do Not Eat list, as I've mentioned before, but I spied a package of whole grain tortellini – WHole Grain!! Sure I could eat that! Whole grains are better than multi grains, right?

Wrong. So very very wrong.

I felt like shit later that night and the whole next day. Whole grain pasta is just as evil as regular pasta. Lesson learned.

So after all that, I stepped on the scale this morning and I was actually down! Holy shitballs, it's a miracle!!

It was only a pound, but it's something, right? Better than yet another stagnant week!

So I'm back to being down 11 lbs, which is a good step in the right direction.

Only, what? 14 more to go by New Year's?


I think I might switch up that goal a bit – see, my dance troupe is doing a performance in March, and I'd like to be just a bit more on the svelte side than the fat ass side by then, so maybe we'll make the goal be 25-30 down by then? Give me a little more time so I won't get quite so depressed come New Year's Eve.

Sound like a plan, man?

Chicken and Salad,

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