Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 365: Week Six

Has it been six weeks already? Time really flies when you're doing a project like this one, I don't know how I feel about that.

I got some cool photos this week, in the sky and on the ground. I'm still able to find thing to take photos of – I was concerned I'd run out of ideas by now, but it's still working. So yay for that.

Here's this week's bounty:

February 5
If I jumped from the balcony, would I land in the pool?

February 6
The moon has been ginormous lately!

February 7
Penguinball purchased at the airport to stave off boredom.

February 8
100th Ave at about 8 a.m. That big white circle is the moon

February 9
My button is supposed to be Jack Skellington.

February 10
Speaking of pumpkin heads...

February 11
Roses? For me? You shouldn't have! Oh, you didn't? Fine then.

So there ya have it. Six weeks down... ummmm, 46! Yeah that's it. 46 more weeks to go!

Math is hard,

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