Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WLW: Inching Along

This is going to be a stupidly short post, because I'm up to my ears in work and dance and roller derby stuff.

So I did my measurements for the first time since November. I am down another 4.5 Inches. Two of which I believe are from my waist.

Fuck, yeah!

That's gotta count for something, right? I think it's now a total of nine inches or something. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess.

Although I'm bloaty out to here and I really need that to stop, like soonish. Anybody know of some good non-bloaty foods I can consume before I have to show my belly off to all of FSJ on Friday? Maybe I should just not eat until after the show.

Yeah, that won't happen. Not with it being Easter candy season and those Reese Peanut Butter Eggs are out there, taunting me like the little assholes they are.


I will say that upon uploading that photo, the egg was promptly eaten. What the fuck happened to all that will power?

At any rate, I did post a loss this week – I'm back down to 223.5 lbs, although that may have changed after eating that egg. Probably be five pounds up if I weighed myself tomorrow. Which I'm not going to do.

So yay for that, boo for peanut butter eggs and meh for all the rest. I'm back at roller derby (SUPER YAY!!!) and have a belly dance performance on Friday (MEGA YAY!!!) so life is doing all right.

Now I gotta do write an article.

Peace and Peanut Butter,

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