Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WLW: Grrrrrrrr.....


Okay, I'm better now.

See, I have good news and bad news for this week's post. Which would you like to hear first? How about the bad? Get it all out of the way...

I was hoping this would be a super happy positive week, especially since when I pre-weighed myself on Monday, I was finally out of the 220s... at 219.9 in fact. I actually did a little happy dance and let out a little cheer because holy balls it's about fucking time!

Unfortunately, that was Monday.

When I weighed myself this morning, I managed to gain three pounds in two fucking days.

Pardon me a moment while I cry like a baby.

James Van Der Beek doesn't cry pretty. Neither do I.

Okay, now that that's all over with... Let's get positive!

I did my second "official" 10K run on Sunday. Coach Ash, Porny and I – and Ruby, at least up to the 5K turnaround – headed off at my slowpokey pace, and we finished at the back of the pack, as tends to happen when you go at a slowpokey pace.

BUT! I looked up my time for the 10K I did back in 2010, and I shaved five whole minutes off my time! That's pretty fucking cool, I think. We did 10 minutes of running with one minute of walking intervals, and that seemed to work pretty well for us.

We were dead last, and they gave away all the door prizes long before we finished, but it was a good way to spend a Sunday. And so was lunch at Mr. Mikes afterwards.

Now, I did eat a Mikeburger, but I worked out my daily calorie intake, minus the calories in the burger and fries, and added the calories burned during the run and figured that it was okay to have. Especially since it filled me up so much I didn't eat anything else – 'cept for a muffin I made – the rest of the day. I also didn't eat the majority of the bun it came on. So there you have it.

I'm really hoping it's just water weight and it'll even itself out over the course of the week. I'm gonna go back to watching True Blood and ogling Alexander Skarsgard.

Mmmmmm, sexy.


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