Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WLW: Hit Some Bitches

I don't about the rest of you, but I had an absolutely fantastic fucking weekend.

As I said last week, I went to Prince George to help Quesnel's Gold Pain City Derby Girls try their luck at taking on Prince George's very own Rated PG Roller Girls. I was already going to be in town for a meeting, and when the call for skaters came up, I figured, why the fuck not?

For those that don't know, roller derby is spectacular exercise, it works your legs, ass and core and you sweat – buckets if the venue is especially not well ventilated. Even more so when you're put on alternating lines so if you're not on the track, you're on deck to be on the track.

I am pleased to say that I was suitably exhausted by the end, but not the blackout fainting sort of exhausted. My endurance has gotten better since we started all that stamina skating in practice, so that's a very good thing.

Gold Pain City, with ECRDA guest stars.

The shitty thing about weekends like this, as I've said before, is the having to eat out at restaurants every meal. Granted, the pizza and beer after the bout was fucking amazing. Cee Cee Slaughter and I made that our chant throughout the bout, "pizza and beer, pizza and beer!" And oh how delicious they both were...

The bout itself is pretty much a blur now, but my teammates that watched said I managed to get a big hit on one of the Rated PG girls... took her right out, they said. I'm going to trust them on that, because it makes me feel good about how I'm gradually improving at this crazy-ass sport.

Pizza and beer took it's toll on my numbers this week, though not nearly as much as I was expecting. Last week I weighed in at 217.2 lbs, this week I'm up to 218 lbs. Not bad, but then all that skating does burn off a lot of calories. But I'm still in the two-teens, that's all I care about!

So back on track this week, maybe one beer after practice tomorrow, we'll see.

Smashy smashy!

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