Friday, October 12, 2012


Watching my two and a half year old niece for a couple hours while her parents were out, we get to talking about many thing... her being on the big kid side at daycare, her dollhouse, Micky Mouse Clubhouse. The usual toddler fare.

Then I ask her what she's going to be for Halloween. I already know, as I've seen her unicorn costume, but I want to hear it from her.

"A pony!" She tells me.

"Okay, what's Daddy going to be?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment before saying "a horsey!"

Okay cool. They can match or whatever. "What's Mommy going to be?"

"A rabbit!" she says with little hesitation.

She's enjoying the line of conversation, so I take the leap and ask "what's Auntie going to be for Halloween?"

She looks me dead in the eye and with that evil little grin she has, proclaims...

"A cow!"

Well played, child. Well played. F my life indeed.


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