Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This Post is Garbage

I've been beaking off about this on Facebook and Twitter for at least a month now, but I think it's still worth writing about here. On Saturday, I finally got to see one of my most favouritest bands perform live.

Mrs. Dash and I, ready to rock!

That band, obviously, was Garbage.

Here's the setlist from that show:

I Think I'm Paranoid
Shut Your Mouth
Why Do You Love Me
Stupid Girl
Hammering In My Head
#1 Crush
Cherry Lips
Blood For Poppies
Man On A Wire
The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
Battle In Me
Only Happy When It Rains
Encore: I Hate Love
Encore: Vow

I have been a Garbage fan since 1995, when I first heard their single, Queer. It was on one of the few CD's I owned at the time, a compilation many of my generation will remember called Big Shiney Tunes. The original Big Shiney Tunes, which to me will remain the absolute best Big Shiney Tunes.

Queer was the fourth track on that CD. I'd never heard of half the bands on it, and while I liked them all, the track by this ironically named band was the one that stuck out the most.

It had a gothy undertone that really appealed to my semi-gothy nature at the time. Oh, who am I kidding, I still have a semi-gothy nature... but anyways, it led me to seek out more music by the alterna-goth band, which lead to my following their career and loving the shit out of pretty much everything they released.

Queer was the fifth song played at the concert. I can only recall one other time I got chills while listening to live music, which is how I can really tell it's an astounding show. My 13-year-old self was going ballistic and screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs and dancing on the spot... it was kind of an epic little moment.

Same deal when they played #1 Crush, Push It and Only Happy When It Rains. I loved each and every song that was played, but those ones have a special place in my dark little heart. The guitar riff in Push It is one of my all time favourites.

The only thing that could have made it better was if they'd played Stroke Of Luck, which I knew wouldn't happen since it wasn't a single, but I don't even care. It was, now that I'm a few days removed from it, the best concert I've ever seen. The fact that I knew every song and the whole thing went by in the blink of an eye just clinches it for the top spot.

My other goal for the night was to get myself some Garbage swag. The line after the show was total insanity and the chick running the merch booth were really trying to hurry us along, so I was able to pick out one t-shirt after finding out they only had hoodies in 2XL. It's a super cute shirt, and I managed to grab the last XL they had.

Unfortunately, their idea of an XL is not really my idea of an XL. The shirt is too tight.

Really shoulda put on different pants...

In case you can't tell cuz it's backwards, the top says I Hate Love in bones, with the Garbage lower case G on the side and has a faux corset lace up the back. It's a fabulous top. And it's too small. I am sucking in as hard as I can in that shot.

Shirley Manson said something interesting at the concert. She told all us Darklings in her awesome Scottish accent that she was feeling fat. Which is funny because Mrs. Dash and I were talking about my focusing on my weight so much before we got to the show.

Ms. Manson continued that even though she was feeling fat, it doesn't really matter if you're fat or not fat. We're all beautiful and we should all love ourselves for who we are. Something to that effect.

No, Shirley Manson, you don't look fat. Just amazeballs!

It was actually a nice sentiment, coming from someone as cool as her. Granted, that's not going to get my awesome Garbage top to fit me, so I'm gonna have to do something about it!

My new goal in life (I seem to have a new one every time I turn around...) is to fit into that top properly.  I want to wear the shit out of that shirt, and I'm gonna work my ass off to ensure that I can.

Also super cool of her? She pointed out that their show wasn't the only act in town that night – both Madonna and Amanda Palmer were doing their own concerts – and promptly thanked all of us in the crowd for choosing their show to come to. Ha! Like there was really any other option!

Oh, and did I mention that once we got back from the show and were mellowing out at my hotel room and tweeting about the night, Garbage decided I was worthy of following on Twitter?!!?

Holy fuck, way to make my whole night complete! I flipped the fuck out, ask Mrs. Dash!

Garbage was one of my bucket-list concerts, which I am so happy to cross off the list. I look forward to seeing them again some day.


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