Wednesday, August 31, 2011

WLW: Roadblocks continued...

I hate you, Scale.

No, I really do. You're such a bastard.

See, Scale and I are having a bit of a disagreement. I weigh myself periodically throughout the week, just to see how I'm doing. Wednesday's weigh in is just the one I share with people reading this.

And it looked like, from those little weigh ins, that I was back on track. Really...


Fuck you, Scale.

Dear Scale: I hate your face. Please, go die in a fire. Love, Ginger.

Wow, that's a nice happy way to start a post, huh? How about something not quite so raged filled?

So, remember how I said last week that I was gonna be super good and not use my free weekend and whatnot?

Yeah, I typed that completely forgetting that a lady at work was having her retirement dinner on Friday.

Food and booze on the boss's dime? Hells yes!

Booze-wise, I stuck to my gin and tonics... granted I had like six of them or something, I lost count of how many that cranky waitress brought me.

Food-wise, I did alright. I avoided appies altogether, not just because I shouldn't be eating that shit, but also because the appies at that particular establishment make me sick after eating them. It's not a pretty sight.

Dinner was chicken souvlaki, served with salad, green and yellow beans, chicken on a stick, rice and pita bread with tzatziki. I only had a few bites of rice, left most of it on the plate. I did eat all the little pita triangles, mostly to soak up the alcohol. Probably not my best choice, but considering some of the shit on the menu at that place, it was probably for the best.

Oh, and then, because it was not only a retirement party, but also a birthday party, we had to have cake.

Had I not been three sheets to the wind (I'm a very cheap drunk), I would have just said no and had them pass the cake along. As it were, I had a few bites of cake before getting a sharp stabbing pain in my head, so I passed on eating it all. Yay for me, 'cause anyone who knows me knows how much I love cake.

So that was last Friday. I was good the whole rest of the weekend and the start of the week.... except for last night at roller derby Rules Night. I had a few tortilla chips and other snackies. I'm an awful human being.

Beyond that, good as gold!


Okay, something else positive....Ummmmmm...

Oh! A couple of tops I ordered online arrived on Monday. Still being in the "I'm so fat" mindset, and despite the actual measurements of said tops were right on the webpage, I still ordered them in XXL. Also because I find some tops fit smaller than advertised.

I was so stoked when they arrived, because they're eight shades of awesome, but less than stoked when I tried them on. One isn't so bad, it's actually still a nice fit, just maybe a squidge too big. But I can live with that.

The other one... Oh, that one was like wearing a potato sack. And potato sacks aren't sexy. After a lot of humming and hawing, I sent back to be exchanged for a smaller size. Hopefully it makes it to New Jersey before Sept. 15, otherwise I don't get to exchange it. Maybe it's time I actually took my measurements so I don't have to keep doing this.

I also got a bitchin' necklace that, like the tops, also turned out to be bigger than I expected.

Skate bling, fuck yeah!

So yay that I'm not a XXL anymore, but boo that I had to send the top back – I really wanted to wear it this week.

So yeah, not the best week, but it wasn't as bad as last week. This weekend is a free one, though, which is a good thing, because there's a lot of stuff going on this weekend that won't allow me to access good food. I don't really want to binge on anything though.

So yeah, onwards to weigh in results.

Last week I posted a gain, with my weight sitting at 223.6 lbs

My current weight is....


223.6 lbs.

I suppose no change is better than another gain, but I'm still pissed off. Yesterday I was down – clearly tortilla and snackies were not a good idea last night.

Sigh. Back at it, hopefully with a loss next week.

Beeps and Bleeps,

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