Wednesday, July 11, 2012

WLW: Back To The Real World

Well, after two weeks at Fat Camp, it's back to reality and everything that comes with it.

I need to find a way to incorporate everything I was doing at Mom's into life here, because it really did help.

For eight of the 10 days I was actually at the house, we got up before 6 a.m. to go climb The Stairs, which are wooden steps built into the side of a very steep hill. They are a bitch to climb, but they get your heart rate up and work those lower body muscles better than anything else.

There are three rest points going up The Stairs. Last year, I'd need at least a five minute break at each point to recover. This year I managed to catch my breath in less than a minute. Endurance, baby!

The it was back down The Stairs and home for oatmeal. Mom wonders if there isn't something in oatmeal that reduces facial fat, because she felt my face had thinned out considerably while I was home. Same thing started happening with the Old Man after he started eating it for breakfast. I dunno if it's true, but maybe there's something to it.

Bowl of mush or secret fat burner?

After oatmeal and tea, I usually took a very long nap, since that was awfully early for me (5 a.m. my time!) and that climb is exhausting.

Now I need to work that into my daily routine, minus the nap. Work and all, it gets in the way of everything.

Or maybe I need to start going for evening runs again... I hate getting up early.

Anyways, all that climbing and oatmeal eating must have helped, as I'm sitting at about the 216 lbs mark, which is good. The size 12 jeans I bought that were a little tight now fit much nicer and don't cut off my circulation, which is better.

So that's all I got this week.It's been hot as balls here since I got back and I'm not enjoying living in the sauna I call my apartment.  Hopefully I'll have more energy next week.

Oats and Tea,

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