Friday, November 30, 2012

Watch This Space

I have been a very bad blogger lately.

I have not been posting as regularly as I usually do. Perhaps you've noticed, perhaps you haven't. Either way.

I am going through another bout of insomnia. The last couple weeks I haven't been able to fall asleep much earlier than 3 a.m. Granted, some of those days were work related, and there was that one dude screaming his head off outside at 4 a.m., but regardless of the why, I noticed last week that no amount of makeup is going to fully cover the bags under my eyes.

Which made me very thankful that I had some vacation days that I needed to use. I needed this week off in the worst way.

See, I've been working longer hours that usual lately. This is due to the transition between old reporter and new reporter. There's always a period where I end up having to take one some of the reporter duties on top of my own, plus acting as a guide to the new reporter until they find their feet.

This time, and I don't know what's so different about this time, I was almost ready to tear my hair out. It's always a pain when this happens, but this time hit me harder than it has in the past.

I had at least three major meltdowns in 10 days. I was on the verge of tears for about 4 days before I started vacation time. It was basically work, try to sleep, work, try to sleep, work for about two weeks there. Nothing else. Just work, try to sleep. Maybe eat once in a while. That's it.

I think it all sort of culminated on Sunday night when I had a massive "stomach attack" as I call them. I've written about them before and have had several since that incident. I don't actually know what caused it, but I'm wondering if it isn't just all my stress catching up with me. I always had a "nervous stomach" growing up and popped Gaviscon all the time.

Took a couple days to recover from that, which made me somewhat useless when it came to helping my sister move, but we got them to their new house.

So once I got past all that, it was past time to start focusing on my living space.

Good lord, my apartment has looked like a shit hole lately.

Whenever I get into these stressed-out-so-depressed-I-could-cry-for-days-funks, the first thing that goes by the wayside is housework. I'm too damn tired after working 12-14 hour days to even bother picking stuff up or putting dishes in the dishwasher, so it's basically eat, leave all the dishes on the stove and counter, drop all the mail on the dining table and leave clothes all over the floor.

It's not a place anyone would want to come home to after a long stupid day.

So once I spent the first few days of vacay sleeping on and off, I finally started feeling like a human being again and decided to was time to clean up this mess.

The majority of my little bachelorette pad is now clean, with just the front entrance, storage room and my bedroom to take care of. I'd forgotten how nice it feels to be in a clean home. Make me actually want to be here.

So now that the seemingly endless nightmare of stress is supposedly over, hopefully I can get back to blogging about stuff. Helps keep me sane.

That's it for now, I think it's enough.


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