Friday, October 7, 2011

Random Photo Friday: Morning and Night

Oh sweet jeebus, I fucking love this camera.

There was quite the interesting sunrise this morning. I was getting ready for work and saw the that tree outside had a lovely orange light shining on it, and rather than make my lunch, I went onto the balcony and started snapping away.

The camera has a variety of auto settings, which normally I wouldn't use, but I wanted to see how the sunrise setting worked.

ISO 100, 1/1250, F5.3, 300mm

Not too shabby, I'd say.

Then! Tonight I finally got a night clear enough night to actually see the moon, which is still about four days away from being a full Hunter's Moon, but I found a blog that told me how to get good results when trying to photograph the moon. T'was excellent advice.

ISO 100, 1/250, F11, 300mm

Oh I cannot wait until the 11th when it's full! I tweaked the curves just a tad, and cropped out a good portion of the excess sky, but this photo was all the camera. No major adjustments.

I has a happy!

Shutters and Bugs,

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