Monday, October 10, 2011

WLW: Giving thanks

The Thanksgiving meal really is wasted on me.

I'm not a fan of turkey, unless it's covered in salt and swimming in gravy. I hate stuffing, and I don't really like anything pumpkin flavoured. And my sister makes me eat a brussels sprout. Barf!

But she makes a good meal, and I appreciate her willingness to feed me.

A turkey meal in general, however.... meh. I'd pick chicken over turkey any day. Or, better yet... Ham. Like a real ham... mmm, now that's delicious.

Especially with scrambled eggs and cheese... oh,so fucking good!

Where was I?

Oh right, giving an update.

Long weekends are awesome. We should have them every weekend.

I took in the Spotlight 2011 thing at the NPCC on Saturday, went batshit with my camera. I do so love taking photos and getting paid for it. I also love that the ISO on this thing can go up to 6400, making it ideal to shoot in low lighting situations, such as the theatre where le musicians were doing their thing.

Look, a microphone!

I also went a little nuts taking pictures of people's hands. I don't know why. Maybe because I can't play a musical instrument to save my life and I'm astounded by those who can? I might just do a post of nothing but photos of hands. Super deep, right?

Then I had a bellydance workshop on Sunday and learned a new drum solo from this lady. She's awesome, I recommend her. After that was the aforementioned meal. Yay for my sister!

I'm sitting here, trying to remember what I did on Monday, and I'm drawing a blank... I know I went to my sister's house again to catch up on TV I've missed, but beyond that, I don't really recall what I did... must now have been important. Or productive.


Have I mentioned how much I don't miss going to city council meetings? Because I don't miss it. At all. But I guess I needed a little reminder and sat through my first one in almost a year last night. So goddamn boring!

Does anyone else find it funny that this WLW wasn't really about food, except for the first part? Is that a good thing? Am I moving past my obsession with food and spending my time thinking about other stuff? Or is it that I'm just too damn tired to try and remember what I did or didn't eat during the past week and how it made me feel?

Or am I just asking too may questions?

That's probably it.


It was probably a good thing I didn't check in last week, since after returning from a weekend in PG I felt so ill from eating nothing but restaurant food, I probably would have cried after stepping on the scale. Luckily the flu tried creeping on me, probably from breathing in all that recirculated air on the plane, but I kicked its ass! Go me!

So what's the damage this week?

Last time we checked in I was at 220.7 lbs. This week's total is...


220.5 lbs

We have hit the 15 pound mark, muthafuckaaaaaas!

I'm going to set a goal this week, since I haven't done that for awhile, and when I used to, it seemed to help. By next week, I am going to be out of the 220s. That is the goal. I don't care if I'm at 219.9, as long as I'm not in the 220s anymore.

Wish me luck.

Meetings and Restaurants,

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