Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WLW: Back on a Track...

I had an overwhelming urge to get up off my ass on Saturday and go to the walking track.

I couldn't shake it, and normally I'm pretty good at ignoring the desire to get off the couch when I'm trying to read a book. But not on Saturday. So I gave in and toddled myself down to go for an indoor walk.

A year ago I would go to the track a few days every week, or at least try to. Back then, all I really did for activity was, well, walk and dance practice. I had ceased running, so I needed to do something more.

On Saturday I noticed something about my stride. I don't have a very long stride, which I'm told is silly because my legs are so long I really ought to have a longer stride. But I don't. What I noticed was that my thighs didn't jiggle as much when I walked. Which is astounding since I carry a lot of weight on my thighs.

There was a little jiggle, but not nearly as much as there used to be. So yay for that.

I managed to do 19 laps. I was aiming for 20, but I was starting to hurt by 15, and I probably should have stopped at 17, but I pushed through two more laps. My biceps hurt, how much sense does that make?! Plus I think a blister is starting to form on my right heel. Gonna have to take care of that... blarg!

I think I have roller derby to thank for the not-so-jiggy thighs. All that skating has really built up the my quads, pretty soon I should be able to snap a man's neck with these babies! Or at least I would, except our season is over in a couple weeks, which is sad, but probably necessary.

Here's the girls doing a weaving drill through the pace line:


As for food, I pretty much fell off the wagon this weekend, goals be damned. It was my own fault though, I got so busy at work that I didn't have time to eat my lunch. On Thursday and Friday I only had an apple and one of those Soup to Go things, so by the end of the day I was completely ravenous... I didn't care what I was eating, just get some food in my goddamn stomach!

That led to one binge, then another, and then one more. Ugh. Very unpleasant. Then, on Monday, I did another bad thing and wound up having hot flashes all fucking day... I didn't know if I should stick my head in the trash can and puke, or just tear my clothes off.

I've had hot flashes since I was 16, so I'm used to them, but I usually get them at night... it's been many years since I had one during the day. Once they passed, I couldn't bring myself to eat anything because I felt so shitty, so I went hungry the rest of the day.

From one extreme to another: binge, then starve. That's a bad Ginger! Bad!

I don't really want to share my weight this week. It's made me not too happy with myself, so I'm going to use the Golden Power of Fuck-You-I'm-Not-Sharing. I gained, and that's all I feel like sharing this week.

I could probably chalk it up to hormones, but that feels like the bitch way out. No, it's just me, being stupid.

How about if I make the goal this week to not let myself get so hungry that I gorge when I get home. Or, If I'm going to, make sure it's not on Quiznos or something else that's going to ruin me for another week. Like carrots.

This is actually going to be incredibly difficult seeing as I'm heading down to Vancouver this weekend for a meeting thing... nothing but restaurant food all weekend. I feel nauseous already.

Wish me luck.

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