Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project 365: Week one

So the first week of my attempt at Project 365 is done. I took seven photos in seven days, and hopefully I can stick with it and continue on through the next 51 weeks.

You'd think being a photographer by trade this would be easy. It's not. Unless I'm covering an event or grabbing a standalone, I don't take many photos during the week. The weekends are a different story, but it's been an interesting challenge so far.

The first week consisted of photos of objects and places I spend time. This week was easy, but by week 12 I imagine I'll really have to start getting creative.

So anywhoo, without further ado, hereare the week 1 photos of my Project 365.

January 1
You saw this one already, but it didn't feel right leaving it out.

January 2
The Northern Vac Walking Track in the Pomeroy Sport Centre.
I spend many hours a week here.

January 3
My new Kindle.I always said these things were the devil, but it's actually pretty cool.

January 4
Went out with a few friends and proved we're extra awesome by just having tea at the pub.

January 5
There was a murder at my desk. The investigation is ongoing.

January 6
My Walking Dead lunchbox. Zombies gotta eat.

January 7
Some of Keisha's generic My Little Pony knockoffs. I play with these all the time.

So there ya go. One week down, only 51 more to go.

Keep on shutterbuggin'!

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