Tuesday, January 17, 2012

WLW: Hibernation Mode

Oh, hey there Winter, when did you get into town? Oh, by the way? You're a fucking jerk.

Holy shitballs, it got so goddamn cold last week – we're talking -40C windchill here people! And of course, that just so happened to coincide with the High On Ice winter festival.

Oh Joy.

Granted, I didn't want it to be unseasonably warm over the weekend like it has been for the last two months, but I never wanted it to be this cold... this is like what Hell would would feel like if it actually froze over.

And it was also the weekend that coworkers and I agreed to take part in the media ice carving challenge. Six hours outside in this weather, yay!

But it was worth it. Tim and I took first place with our awesome owl, so all was well in the world.

And it was so fucking cold!!!!

Being that cold has weird effects on your appetite. It is just as easy to get dehydrated being out in the cold as it is being out in the heat. Also, you can go hours before realizing that you're so ravenous that you'll practically inhale anything that's put in front of you.

We get fed at HOI – in previous years it was things like soup and sandwiches. This year it was fish and chips, with soup and salad. I had two pieces of fish and salad. And a few fries. They were a little cold, so not very good.

After all was said and done, and after being out in the cold for something like 9 hours, I went back to the office to get some pages done. Upon arrival, I chugged almost an entire litre of cold water (sooooo good!) and didn't even blink when my boss said she was going to order pizza for us since they would deliver and we wouldn't have to leave the building.

Twist my rubber arm, peeps.

I didn't even realize how hungry I was until that first bite – carbs are comfort food after all and I really needed something warm and comforting. I downed three slices from a medium pizza, which is definitely not on my diet, but when your brain had turned to frozen yogurt, you don't process consequences quite as readily.

Beyond that, I ate very well this week. Though that didn't help much on Scale this week. I'm pretty sure my body went into hibernation mode and stored as much fat as possible so I wouldn't die.

Rawr, I'm a bear!

I'm up to 223.4 lbs from 222.0 last week. But I'm not overly upset by that, as I said I was in hibernation mode and after a weekend like that, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Just do better next week!

Sister and I have started the Learn To Run program, which isn't much fun when I forget to bring my inhaler. But it wasn't too bad. I figure, if I can quickly jog from the middle of the Safeway parking lot to the store without breaking a sweat, I should be able to handle the running program.

And now I'm going to curl up under a blanket with some hot tea and watch me some Lost. Clearly, I'm still somewhat in hibernation mode.

Cozies and Snuggles,

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