Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WLW: Tea Parties

I'm on a tea kick.

See, as I'm trying to stop drinking pop, I need to find another drink to take its place. And while many would say "water, duh!" I say I need something else. So nyah.

I drink cold blueberry tea at home, which is so freakin' refreshing I don't know why I everyone doesn't drink it. I can finish off a pitcher in a day and a half, I love it that much. I like to have a nice mug of hot tea before bed to relax after a stupid day at work.

Makes the stupid day go away.

Despite all the loveliness of tea, I already miss pop. It's only been three days and it's taking a lot for me to not walk up to a cooler and pick one out when I'm getting lunch, or on the way home form work, or when I go grocery shopping.


It'll get easier, I'm sure. And then eventually I can say it's been six months since I had a pop, like I can say that now with cereal.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record/scratched CD/corrupt MP3. Every week the same damn thing, almost. Weigh-in results are not exactly stagnant, but not moving very quickly in the downward direction.

Two weeks ago, which was the last time I actually posted weigh-in numbers, I was at 224.8. As of this morning, I'm 224.7.

Okay, I know it's a loss, but I wish it would just go down a wee little bit faster. Although considering the last two weeks were all-encompassed by Christmas and New Year's, I guess that's not so bad.

I had every intention of sharing my measurements this week, but circumstances beyond anyone's control have prevented that from happening. Next time for realz, I promise.

I'm currently working through a little bout of insomnia, which I'm hoping will pass soon. I really dislike being wide awake at 2 or 3 in the morning after going to sleep at 10:30-11. It's making me not want to get up and do my morning workout, which is bad, but then I'm so bagged at the end of the day that I don't want to go to the track, which is worse.

Hopefully I'll get my sleeping patterns back where they ought to be tonight after downing several mugs of chamomile tea... or I'll be up peeing half the night. Whichever.

Happy Tea Time,

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