Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 365: Week Nine

Okay, I'm a day late with posting, I know. Had a very busy and exhausting day yesterday and couldn't muster the energy. Boo-urns.

Anyhoo, here's my batch of photos for this week!

February 26
Free skate! First time back on skates in four months.

February 27
I won an Oscar for not watching the Oscars! Yay!

February 28
A creepy-ass coffee bean drinking coffee. Isn't that cannibalism?

February 29
Leap Day! Also Leave A Half Eaten Green Cupcake On The Mailbox Day!

March 1
Taylor at night after derby practice.

March 2
Flipping off the host of the talent show. It's okay, I know him.

March 3
I found my Coo! I've missed him.

So there ya have it! Nine weeks down, 43 more to go!

Snappy snappy,

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