Wednesday, March 7, 2012

WLW: Eleventy Billion

I'm pretty sure that's the number of calories I burned last night, because holy shit I felt like death by the time derby practice as over.

I was light-headed and I could taste my dinner in the back of my throat, which was absolutely disgusting. I had hoped that I'd be better conditioned, but I felt like I'd sat on the bloody couch all winter instead of being all exercise-y. Boo-urns!

Oh well. It's nice to be back at it. Lots of new faces last night, which was awesome to see. Yay!

Between roller derby, belly dance and running, I really ought to be able to drop several more inches by the end of the summer. I actually want to get an iPhone just so I can have this app. Running would be a hell of a lot more fun, and likely more effective, by having intervals of running away from Zombies.

I've not had the greatest day today – I had heartburn for most of the afternoon and now I'm getting that pukey in the throat feeling again. Maybe a sandwich for lunch wasn't the best idea.

On the plus side, I am down this week! Last week was 223.5, and this week I'm 222.5! Yay! I think it's due to the aforementioned eleventy billion calories I burned at practice.

So, yeah. I'm gonna go crawl into bed and read Interview with the Vampire on my Kindle. Sorry for being all short and lame this week. I think I need to go back to cutting out all carbs all together.

I know kung fu,

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