Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WLW: My Fitness Pal

Okay, So I've been using My Fitness Pal for a full week now, and you know what I've learned?

I don't eat too terribly, but I eat too much of that not-too-terrible food. My calorie intake has basically been enough for me to maintain – fluctuate, even – but not actually lose any weight.

I kinda wish I found this thing six months ago.

I've kind of been subscribing to the Weight Watchers notion that fruit and veggies don't count for anything – in their new program, those have a zero point value. Well guess what? Everything, even fruits and vegetables, have calories.


So I'm going to have to be a little more aware of what I'm eating. Like, I don't need three bananas a day. Those 300 calories could go towards a decent dinner. I don't want to be one of those anal people that count every single fucking calorie, but I may have to start. Which sucks. Balls.

Eating aside, I'm not too sure about the exercise aspect of My Fitness Pal. Roller Derby practice is not on its list of activities – not surprising – so I'm not sure how to measure my cardio. I choose inline skating, because that's the closest I can find, which covers our 30 minute endurance/stamina skate. But I don't know what to call the rest of practice. Quick feet, toe stop walking, duck walking, jumping over things, weaving, crossovers, transitions – I'm counting it all as aerobics, because I don't know how else to categorize it. My jogging and jazzercising (I tried jazzercise this week, BTW) I can fit in easy.

Then you get the calories you've burned off. Apparently inline skating for 30 minutes burns off 600 some odd calories. The 45-ish minutes of "aerobics" burns off 300-ish. So My Fitness Pal tells me I need to eat an extra almost 1,000 calories a day.

Who the Hell wants to eat 1,000 calories at 11 p.m.?!?!

I'm tired by then, I've just gotten home and had my post-derby shower. All I want to do is lie on the couch and decompress a little before going to bed. I don't even want to eat after practice, although I know I ought to eat something, since I eat very little before so I don't puke it back up.

Despite it sounding like I dislike My Fitness Pal and what it does, I actually do like using it and will continue to do so. I think this week was just a learning week. Mostly because I didn't actually lose any weight.

Yes, it's true. I'm actually up with week, according to Scale. I find this incredibly odd, since I'm sporting at least a 222 lbs belly, and Scale says I'm back up to 224. Someone's being a lying A-Hole.

At any rate, I shall continue tracking what I'm eating, and re-jig my eating to make this work. I may actually make Jazzercise part of my weekly routine.

Intake vs output,

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