Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WLW: Purdy's

Oh chocolate, how you mock me.

My Purdy's order arrived yesterday, in all its chocolately glory. Which was probably the worst day for it to show up, as if was right before weigh in. Couldn't have shown up tomorrow, oh no. Gotta be on Tuesday, sitting on my second desk and taunting me.

Though I will say, the pink himilayan salt peanut butter thingies are pretty fucking fantastic. And when they say "salt," they mean salt! It's practically rock salt on top.

I think I had six of those over the course of the day, plus at least four peanut butter fingers. SO I wasn't really shaping up to do that well this week.

Okay, I just went and counted.... it was more like eight pink salt things.

And one more to just even it out.

But, I have been rocking the exercise. I've been to the track almost every day, taking Sunday off, and I've been doing my morning workout DVD. So that's something.

I even did sprints with some of the derby girls... granted after a while my sprints turned into jogs, but whatevs!


These posts are a lot more fun to write when I'm actually losing.

I got up this morning, expecting to be down from last week at least. My belly is getting smaller, so I took that as a sign that maybe I'd finally post a significant loss.

Scale had other ideas.

I weighed myself yesterday just to see where I was, which according to Scale was 225.5 – where I've been forever. I knew that the chocolate I consumed yesterday would probably sabetoge that a little bit, but nothing super significant.

I weighed in at 227.7.

I know I did not consume enough chocolate to gain two whole pounds, and I even had soup for dinner just as a way to counterbalance the chocolate I ate. So instead of doing my morning workout, I got pissed off and went back to bed for an hour.

I didn't actually sleep, but just laid there with my eyes closed and thought. Clearly I'm doing something wrong. I know I'm not as strict with my eating as I was when I started, so it's likely time to start doing that again. Twelve days of eating right and two off at the end of that cycle. Cutting back on carbs – maybe not completely but for the most part – and loading up on the fruits and veggies.

While pretending to sleep, I came up with my lunch for the day. I would have yogurt with fruit for my protein, my totally-famous strawberry and feta salad and cucumbers as my snack. The Purdy's was staying at home so it wouldn't tempt me. Then after work, I would go to the track and then to dance practice.

That sounds good, right?

As my alarm went off for the second time this morning, I climbed out of bed with a new resolve. I was going to put my contacts in, put on a sweater dress and feel pretty. I would turn my eating around and get this weight off me! Yay!

And then, because I'm far more masochistic than I'd ever realized, I decided to step on the scale one more time before setting off and doing all the aforementioned stuff.

Apparently lying in bed and thinking is an effective weight loss tool. I was down to 226.7.

Scale, you are a lying piece of shit. I just want you to know that.

Carbs no more,

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