Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WLW: Weight, what?

I have been doing my twice-day-workout thing for two and a half weeks now. Two and a half weeks of dragging my ass out of bed well before I'm ready to be awake and doing some workout video, and then going straight to the walking track after work for an hour.

And you know what? I think it might actually be working.

Maybe? Just maybe?

Where does this sudden burst of optimism spring from, you ask? Well, let me tell you about my dance practice last week.

I think I've mentioned it before, but I hate the mirrors in the studio. One wall is covered with mirrors and they're completely warped. You look about twice as wide as you actually are, which is incredibly depressing when you're my size. I usually spend a good portion of practice judging my figure in the mirror and thinking 'holy shit, I cannot be that fat!'

Well, last week I didn't look quite so wide. In fact, I didn't look that wide at all. And my gypsy skirt was hanging differently. It was like my belly fat was no longer encompassing my whole torso, but just where my abs would be, you know, if I had them. Does that make sense?

Either way, that was the first practice I'd had in a long time where I didn't feel like a fat slob. And that made me very happy. Unfortunately, that was my last practice until sometime in January, so I can't even compare this week to last week.

And while I haven't gone down much weight-wise, I think I must be losing inches, because my size 12 jeans are starting to get loose. Not terribly loose, but a little bit loose. Which is nice to see after all that getting up early bullshit. After a month has gone by, I'm going to do my measurements and compare them to the ones I did a while back.

Oh, and to mix it up in the mornings, I've switched DVDs. I've temporarily replaced the Roller Derby Workout with The Biggest Loser workout. And I have to say, I really want to punch Bob Harper in the face every time I do the workout. No offense, Bob.

I'm sure this is not the first time he's been told that...

I'm making a serious effort with my eating – protein for breakfast, a vegetarian (for the most part) lunch and protein and veggies for dinner.

And for some reason I've started buying brown eggs instead of white eggs – I don't know why, just seemed like the thing to do.

I've also managed to limit my chocolate intake, which is amazing considering I helped make homemade chocolates on the weekend. I took most of them to a party to pass off onto my derbies and to work to pass off onto my co-workers. I'm evil like that.

And veggies, veggies, veggies! Big salad, broccoli and carrots to nibble on. Broccoli doesn't taste as good if it's not dipped in something. But eating them anyway. 'Cause veggies are good for you.

Who carries celery in their back pocket? Seriously?

So after all the lies that Scale told me last week, I wasn't looking all that forward to stepping on it this morning. But, being the weight loss masochist I am, I did anyway.

I am down from last week, sitting at 224.9. I was 226.7 last week. So I take that as a good sign. My fat poundage is fluctuating wildly, but I've decided I'm not even going to pay attention to that number.

So, yeah. In two weeks I'm going to do my measurements and see how many inches I've lost, if any. Until then, it's just me and Bob in the morning.

Inches and broccoli,

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