Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WLW: Greatest Diet Ever...?

I've discovered the greatest diet plan of all time! It's utter stupendous and will work for you, me, and practically anyone who tries it! Wanna know what it is? Huh, Do ya? Doyadoyadoyadoya?!?!?!

It's called the Get So Busy You Don't Have Time To Eat Diet!

That was me this past weekend. And actually I don't recommend it. Running around like a chicken with your head cut off and then realizing at 7 p.m. that you kinda forgot to eat and then gong and getting pizza probably isn't the best solution.

My running around was for the local Trade Show – ECRDA (That lovely logo on the right) had a booth and I was the one getting it set up and whatnot, doing a few shifts in the booth, plus I had to take photos of the Trade Show for work. Oh, and a little breather to watch Keisha for a few hours.

You can read all about that particular drama here. I don't feel quite that bad anymore, although I'm pretty sure I picked up a touch of whatever she had and thus, have continued to eat very little. Which is likely the reason for this week's number.

Last week I weighed in at 220.8 lbs. So what did the low calories intake combined with the increased exercise from running up and down stairs and all over the Trade Show do for me? As of this morning I'm at 217.2 lbs.

Out of the 220s, MuthaFucka!!!!!

I'm now about where I was two summers ago when I went to my high school reunion. Except I've got a lot more muscle now from playing roller derby for a year and a half. My Derby Twin, Ruby, told me the other night I look about half the size I was back when I played in my first bout, and I have to say, watching the DVD of that bout in our Trade Show booth and seeing that big purple booty short wearing ass try and drag itself around the track, I'm inclined to agree with her.

I, along with some of my other teammates, will be helping Gold Pain City round out their roster against Rated PG's B Team this weekend in Prince George. My first bout of the year, and even though it's not with my own team, I'm still pretty fucking stoked. Let's see if I remembered anything from Sk8Fest...

Smashy smashy,

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