Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WLW: Huh?

So I was laying on the couch after having worked the longest, most ridonkulous day of my life and totally just realized it was Weight Loss Wednesday! Which means I needed to do a post! Dur!

This has been a week of total insanity. Thursday I spent most of the day in Dawson Creek for a pre-meeting meeting, but got to do some shopping while I waited for the boss to be done what she was doing.

Then, I caught another cold just in time for the long weekend and went though an entire box of kleenex to stave off my leaking nose. All I wanted to do was hide under a blanket, but I had to take photos of the Easter Egg Hunt. Granted I made the single most adorable front page in the history of front pages, and a pretty damn cute page three, but it was an exhausting experience.

Keisha had a boogery nose too, just like Auntie!

Today I went back to DC for the actual meeting, but first I got to the office at 7 a.m to attempt to do a page or two before the meeting, but the Internet wasn't working. However, once I got there for my coffee meeting with my counterpart, we all found out that the real meeting had been cancelled. Rawr!

So I drove back to find out that the Internet at the office was still down, and stayed down until almost 5 p.m. I don't know how journalists did their job before the invention of the Internet, because we were completely useless without it. Stories getting emailed to staff, then that staff having to go home to get those emails on a jump drive to bring back to the office and put on the file server.... It was madness.


I did very little exercise this week and didn't exactly eat as well as I have been – being sick seems to do that. I fluctuated quite a bit over the week, but as if today I'm down from last week.

Last week's number was 222.9, this week I'm at 220.8, so I'll take it. Now that my face has stopped leaking and I have energy again, I expect to do much better this coming week.

So that's that. I'm going to have some tea and go to bed.

G'night duckies!

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