Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pop Culture Sunday

As I am now officially on holidays, I'm going to keep this Pop Culture Sunday short and sweet by posting this totally awesome video:

I spot Magneto, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jubilee, Banshee, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Gambit, Mystique, Pyro, and the Juggernaut, Bitch!

But seriously, I totally want that Magneto helmet. I'd wear it everywhere.

Comics and Geeks,

Friday, July 29, 2011

Random Photo Friday: Deadpool and Ponies

superheroes batman superman - Deadpool, He Loves Him Some Ponies
see more

Deadpool loves Pinkie Pie. If you find this funny, or even get why it's funny, you're my new best friend.

Memes and Ponies,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday: Yay for ill-fitting clothes!

It's been a good week.

I haven't had as many cravings for junk food as I usually do, which surprised me a little bit. I really wanted a bagel the other night, but after coming to the conclusion that I wasn't actually hungry, just kinda bored, I managed to get past it.

But even better than that, I think, is the fact that I'm really starting to see some changes. I didn't for awhile, mostly because I hadn't lost that much, but this week I can definitely see it.

I can see my cheek bones without having to make a fish face like this:

Fishy face!!!

Also, my clothes are getting baggier.

Fuck, yes!

My shirts are getting looser, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.... in that some shirts I actually like, I can't wear anymore. And I have some pretty cute shirts.

My size 14 jeans are hanging off my ass, and I've still been wearing them despite it. But, today, I managed to squeeze my butt into a size 12 pair of the same jeans. Hells, yeah!

Last night at derby, I decided to take a pair of shorts I ordered from Pivotstar a few months ago for a test drive. When I received them, I wasn't able to pull them up past my butt. Now, I can not only get them up past my butt, but actually do them up!

Oh and it feels so good!

PLUS! This oh so super cute top I ordered online from Sourpuss Clothing arrived today, and combined with my new "skinny" jeans, I must say, I feel pretty damn good.

That's the important thing, right? How I feel?

I have far more energy than I used to. I'm not nearly as bagged after lunch like I was back when I'd eat a sandwich, chips, a chocolate bar, a diet pop and maybe a banana that I really only ate 'cause I was being "healthy."

I still need my coffee in the morning, and occasionally in the afternoon, but that's more due to a lack of sleep rather than a food coma.

So I guess it's time for the official number.

Starting Weight: 235.5 lbs

Previous Weight: 230.5 lbs

My current weight it....

*Biggest Loser scale beeping*

225.5 lbs

In case you're like me and not so good with the math, that's five pounds, bitches!

Total Weight Loss: 10 lbs

Let's celebrate with cupcakes!!!!

Hooray for weight loss... now gimme!!!!

Okay, maybe not.

Not until Saturday, anyway. Then it's off on holidays! W00t!

I should be able to continue on this path with no problem – going to my mom's house is like going to a fat farm, there's no junk food in the house and she's adamant about the exercise. Plus, I'll have the chance to get in a few derby practices with the East Kootenay Roller Derby League.

But, it's still holidays, so we'll just say 2 pounds for next week again?

Sounds good to me.

Icing and Sprinkles,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dave's not here, man.

I know this is a town with its problems.

I know there are many people who have too much money and spend it on stuff that, quite frankly, are bad for them.

I also know there are people who don't have a lot of money and spent what little they have on stuff that's REALLY bad for them.

Knowing this, I shouldn't be too shocked when I see someone so strung out they're wandering into traffic and are clearly not in their right mind.

However, that DOES NOT give anyone the right to chuck rocks at my windows to get the attention of some guy named Dave!

Yesterday evening, I heard someone yelling for Dave outside my apartment building. I ignored it as I hear people yelling outside my apartment building at least a few times a week. The I heard a clattering on the exterior walls, off my windows and on my deck.

I looked out my bedroom window to see what was going on, and saw two ladies, and I use that word loosely, one far more unsteady on her feet than the other, getting a little frustrated that Dave wasn't acknowledging them. The really strung out one had taken off her shoes and was wandering around the lawn and into the street. Luckily for her, vehicles going by did slow down so as to hit run her over.

Her friend asked what she was gonna do now, cuz he's not home. She said 'Oh he's here, I'll just throw something bigger.' She then looked up, saw me in my bedroom window, and threw a rock directly at me.

For a cracked out bitch, she had good aim.

Even more lucky for her, my window had a screen, because now, I'm beyond pissed.

So I make my way out to the balcony, upon seeing me her tone attempts to turn nice and sweet as she says 'Oh, hi.'

I told her that there is no one in this apartment named Dave, so she'd best stop throwing rocks at my balcony.

She asked if I was sure.

Okay, I like to think I'd know if there was a Dave living in my apartment, since it's not all that big of a place and there are few places he could be hiding.

I told her I was positive and that she needed to leave.

She shrank back and said she was sorry, getting her shoes and presumably leaving.

Now, I didn't name-call, I didn't throw rocks back, despite really wanting to throw my little barbecue at her, 'cause I'm classy like that, but I did use what I call my Mom voice.

I'm not a mom, but I can definitely work the Mom tone of voice when it suits me. And oh boy, did it ever work on my crackwhore friend out there.

Now, I'm sure a lot of people out there probably don't see what the big deal is, since she didn't break any windows or anything like that. Well, the reason this irked me so damn much is because on the Thanksgiving weekend in 2006 – less than a month after I moved here – there was a rather shady character living in this building, we'll call him Dave, who also had some strung out bitch trying to get his attention.

After he continued to ignore, she decided the best way to get his attention was to light one of the stairwells on fire.

Try waking up to a burning building caused by a chick looking for a fix from Dave, and see how much you'd enjoy having rocks thrown at your window.

Oh, and apparently she didn't actually leave... I heard a voice outside this morning calling out for Dave. It's possible she slept in the bushes, waiting for Dave to come save her or some dumb thing.

Sorry to tell you lady, but Dave's not here, man.

Rocks and Windows,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pop Culture Sunday: Comic-Con!

Comic Con invaded the interwebs this week, supplying me with wonderful sneak peeks of some of my favourite shows! Yay!

First, a look at the coming weeks in True Blood!!!

Eric and Sookie are FINALLY going to get it on! You hear me? FINALLY! I've only been waiting four seasons for this! Woo hoo! :)

From what I can see, the witches get stronger, Sam's gonna kill Tommy for realz this time, Pam's face stopped melting, Jessica is going to meet the sun because of the witches, Tara's girlfriend gets killed by a vampire which leads leads her to becoming Tara Thorton, Vampire Slayer, Lafayette is accepting what he is, witch-wise, Arlene's demon baby blows up her house, I'm guessing that's who did it, anyway, and Bill is totally super jealous of Eric, which he totally should be!

Maybe I blinked and missed it, but I didn't see any sign of werepanther man Jason... boo-urns!

In other news, Eric is sex on a stick. That is all.


Next, they have a season 6 trailer for my favourite serial killer, Dexter!

Interesting. Taking on a slightly religious tone there. Will Dexter be facing down some sort of homicidal cult this time around? Masuka was bagging a snake there in one scene, and some random guy was manhandling one, and since the snake is definitely a religious symbol, that's my take on it.

It also looks like Dex has another blonde hottie in his life... lets hope this one sticks around or, you know, doesn't die.

I really do wonder how much longer they can carry this series on... I mean, six seasons of Dexter almost getting caught, but then not really, just starts to feel repetitive. I'd like to final season for Dexter to be caught and be put on trial for his... uh... horrible crimes of killing bad guys... would be quite the moral quandary for the jury, I think.


Oh and I'm so stoked for this one... The Walking Dead will be back in October with a full season instead that stupid half season they had last year.

Looks like Robert Kirkman is going to steer them close to his comic by having the survivors head to the Greene family farm. I gotta say, those scenes with everyone hiding from the walkers under the cars is pretty intense. You know someone's gonna get dragged out and eaten.

People need to stop going off on their own! "United we stand, divided we fall," ever hear that!? And Andrea shouldn't be giving Dale crap about how she wanted to stay and get blown up in the CDC... if you'd really wanted to die, you woulda stayed, Dale or no Dale, so shut up already! Make yourself useful and go kill some zombies! You killed Amy after she reanimated, people who aren't your own family should be no problem.


So that's what's peaked my interest this week.

Vamps and Zombies,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Random Photo Friday

It's Fridaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!

Thank cripes for that.

Which means it's time for a random photo! Yay!

Here's the photo I was going to send the SPCA when I thought Stormy had gone missing, but had only jumped off the balcony and gone on a little cat adventure.

Like staring into the face of pure evil.

Film and Developer,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday

Just over a month ago I made the decision that if I was going to live a long and healthy life, I was going to have to actually get healthy. For serious this time.

See, I've never been a skinny girl – genetics saw to that. But this is the heaviest I've ever been in my life. And it's not pretty.

Actually, that's not entirely true, what I weighed a month ago was the heaviest I've ever been in my life.

What's that magic number you ask? The magic number, ladies and germs, was 235.5 lbs.

Holy. Fuck.

When I moved up here to this frozen tundra, I weighed a comparitivley svelte 186 lbs. That was almost five years ago. But, oddly enough, I was a total schlump, in that I didn't do any physical activity of any kind. I wasn't a healthy 186 by any means.

I'm actually more active now than I ever was before moving here. I went running, I walked all over the bloody town, I now do roller derby.

So how the Hell did I manage to balloon up like a parade float while still being that active?

Well kids, it's because I love food. And not just any food, I mean like deep fried, fatty, tasty and absolutely delicious yet heart attack inducing food. I mean, why would you want this:

Little green brains... tasty. If you're a vegetarian zombie!

When you could have this:

Mmmmmm.... beef... and bacon!

Seriously, it's hardly a choice even now. If the two were placed in front of me and I was told I could eat either one with no consequences, it would be the bacon cheeseburger all the way.

But therein lies the problem. I've spent so long wanting that pile of fat and grease in my mouth that it went straight to my stomach, ass and thighs. But it's not just the fat and grease. Oh no, it's more than that.

You see, I'm pre-diabetic, meaning I'm at a very high risk to develop diabetes if I don't shape up and start taking care of myself. I should be following a diabetics diet, which means reducing my sugar intake, as well as simple carbs, as they just turn into sugar.

I love simple carbs and sugar.

I will eat a whole pot of Minute Rice for dinner. I will devour three chocolate bars and a bottle of Pepsi. The real Pepsi, not that diet shit. I will inhale what is likely three or four servings of pasta and not think twice. I will consume two or three bowls of Lucky Charms in the morning, and maybe again at bedtime.

Are ya beginning to see my problem?

So yes, you can see how I got so fat. It's pretty obvious, but I didn't really want to admit it for a long time. I had tried to lose weight a few times before, with marginal success. I had almost gotten to my pre-moving weight before I hit a wall and just gave up.

But that was a month ago. Things have changed for ol' Ginger.

I cut out pretty much all carbs and sugar. I went through sugar withdraw and thought my headache and jitters would never go away. Instead of going three days without eating a single vegetable, I meet my food guide requirements.

I now go in a 12 days on, 2 days off sort of cycle. Every two weeks, on the weekend, I get to eat whatever I want. This usually means I have a bagel instead of eggs for breakfast. I enjoy that bagel.

Although, I find that after the two days are up, I've taken three steps backwards in my weight loss. So I'm thinking I might have to make it a couple of free meals instead of a couple of free days. That pizza and beer after the bout on Saturday really didn't help me much.

So where I might have been down 8 or 9 pounds, I'm only down about 5. My current weight is:

*insert stupid scale beeping like on The Biggest Loser*

230.3 lbs

It's not much, but it's better than nothing.

Perhaps a goal for next week? Say, 2 pounds minimum? Whaddya think?

Wish me luck!

Veggies and Dip,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pop Culture Sunday:

Okay, so I'm a little braindead today after all the derby-ing yesterday, so if this post makes no sense, that's why. Ha!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 opened this weekend. I'd like to say I've seen it and it's effin' amazing, but I have yet to see it as I was a little busy with roller derby.

But, CBC movie reviewer Kathernie Monk gave it five stars out of five, which means it's got to be effin' amazing, cuz I've only seen her give one other movie that high of a score (It was The Social Network, in case you were wondering).

I didn't think much of Harry Potter 10 years ago. I had no idea what it was when one of my early college roommates, an exchange student from Japan, begged me to come see HP and The Philosopher's Stone with her when it came to the theatre.

I really didn't want to since it looked like some dumbass kids movie, plus I had some under-the-influence homework to do, but she swore up and down that it would be great, and with my being all semi-gothy at the time (seriously), I'd like all the magical aspects of it.

The only thing I knew about the series what that the fourth book was friggin' huge and, in my ever-cynical view on the youth of today, I thought there was no way any kid would sit still long enough to finish it.

It was like this thick! But not really.

So after much cajoling, I relented and went to see the first film.

Holy Shit.

Like most of us, I was blown away by the storyand concept. I believe I said something along the lines of 'fuck my classes, I wanna go to Hogwarts!' Philosophy, Psychology and English just weren't as exciting and learning to fly on a broom and transfiguration.

As soon as we got back to the dorm, my roommate handed over the first four books, which she had on hand as they were reading them in her English As A Second Language class. I think I read all four in a week – basically anytime I wasn't in class or drinking wine coolers.

From then on, I became one of those people that get their copy of the newest book on the day it's released (though not oneof those people who dress upand wait around the book store until midnight. I need my rest, people!) and then devours it when they get home.

And then promptly passes out from literary hangovers.

Like this kitty, only with books.

I seriously read the fifth, sixth and seventh book each over two days, and had to take like a four hour nap afterwards. That's a lot of words for the brain to process in 18 hours!

Which actually made the movies that much more enjoyable, since you could just sit back and watch the entire book in two-and-a-half hours. A time saver, really.

But this final movie, after which there will be no moreHarry Potter movies EVER (until someone does a remake of the whole series 20 years from now) has marked the end of an era for many fans of the HP universe. Thankfully, we'll still have the books, the DVDs/BluRays, theme park, interactive website and countless merchandise.... Wow, Harry Potter's not really going anywhere, is he?

I'll likely do another post when I get around to fighting my way through the mob at the theatre to see HPATDH:P2, but for now, I leave you with the greatest HP character of all time:

RIP Hedwig, you were the coolest owl ever.

Peace and Love,

Friday, July 15, 2011

Random Photo(s) Friday

Tomorrow night is my FIRST EVER ROLLER DERBY BOUT, so I figured I should post a few derby photos.

Here's some derbies getting ready to play in our bout back in May

Here's my buggered up knee that kept me from playing in the bout back in May.

And here's our coach Derby Ash-Hole picking his nose.

I'm so gonna get in trouble for that one. Insert evil laugh here.

Wish me luck tomorrow!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blogging, beta edition

Okay, I was waiting until I got a cool header and stuff before I actually started posting, but I can't wait any longer!

Hello, and welcome to my new blog, 'Writing, Schemes and Derby Dreams'. Jennifer Pesant, who is a blogging nut and totally awesome, has convinced me that this would be a super fun way for me to share my rants and ravings in an environment that likely (hopefully) won't get me fired. Unlike my column in the Alaska Highway News, where I have to be a little more cautious with what I write, here I can be even more sardonic and candid! Which means swear words! Yay!

Along with posts about whatever random thought pop into my head, I plan on having little theme posts about specific topics to be posted on specific days. What can I say, I work better under a deadline. Some of the topics I'll be covering include:

Weight Loss Wednesdays: If I gotta be accountable to anyone, it might as well be random people on the internet, right?

Random Photo Friday: Beware all friends and family, there's a chance you'll end up here.

Pop Culture Sunday: Here I shall let my geek flag fly, from movies, to True Blood, to the Goddamn Batman.

I would have made a special day for roller derby, but I have a feeling that would go out the window pretty damn quick, as I could talk about that any day of the week... But if I come up with any more I'd like to do, you'll see it all here.

How's that for a little intro post? I'll be adding more buttons and links and whatnot to those little sidebars as time goes on, andI'm totally into link-sharing if anyone is down with that!

I leave you now with a photo of Cow during a trip to Whitehorse last summer. Think of it as a preview of Random Photo Friday.

Peace and love,