Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blogging, beta edition

Okay, I was waiting until I got a cool header and stuff before I actually started posting, but I can't wait any longer!

Hello, and welcome to my new blog, 'Writing, Schemes and Derby Dreams'. Jennifer Pesant, who is a blogging nut and totally awesome, has convinced me that this would be a super fun way for me to share my rants and ravings in an environment that likely (hopefully) won't get me fired. Unlike my column in the Alaska Highway News, where I have to be a little more cautious with what I write, here I can be even more sardonic and candid! Which means swear words! Yay!

Along with posts about whatever random thought pop into my head, I plan on having little theme posts about specific topics to be posted on specific days. What can I say, I work better under a deadline. Some of the topics I'll be covering include:

Weight Loss Wednesdays: If I gotta be accountable to anyone, it might as well be random people on the internet, right?

Random Photo Friday: Beware all friends and family, there's a chance you'll end up here.

Pop Culture Sunday: Here I shall let my geek flag fly, from movies, to True Blood, to the Goddamn Batman.

I would have made a special day for roller derby, but I have a feeling that would go out the window pretty damn quick, as I could talk about that any day of the week... But if I come up with any more I'd like to do, you'll see it all here.

How's that for a little intro post? I'll be adding more buttons and links and whatnot to those little sidebars as time goes on, andI'm totally into link-sharing if anyone is down with that!

I leave you now with a photo of Cow during a trip to Whitehorse last summer. Think of it as a preview of Random Photo Friday.

Peace and love,

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