Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday

Just over a month ago I made the decision that if I was going to live a long and healthy life, I was going to have to actually get healthy. For serious this time.

See, I've never been a skinny girl – genetics saw to that. But this is the heaviest I've ever been in my life. And it's not pretty.

Actually, that's not entirely true, what I weighed a month ago was the heaviest I've ever been in my life.

What's that magic number you ask? The magic number, ladies and germs, was 235.5 lbs.

Holy. Fuck.

When I moved up here to this frozen tundra, I weighed a comparitivley svelte 186 lbs. That was almost five years ago. But, oddly enough, I was a total schlump, in that I didn't do any physical activity of any kind. I wasn't a healthy 186 by any means.

I'm actually more active now than I ever was before moving here. I went running, I walked all over the bloody town, I now do roller derby.

So how the Hell did I manage to balloon up like a parade float while still being that active?

Well kids, it's because I love food. And not just any food, I mean like deep fried, fatty, tasty and absolutely delicious yet heart attack inducing food. I mean, why would you want this:

Little green brains... tasty. If you're a vegetarian zombie!

When you could have this:

Mmmmmm.... beef... and bacon!

Seriously, it's hardly a choice even now. If the two were placed in front of me and I was told I could eat either one with no consequences, it would be the bacon cheeseburger all the way.

But therein lies the problem. I've spent so long wanting that pile of fat and grease in my mouth that it went straight to my stomach, ass and thighs. But it's not just the fat and grease. Oh no, it's more than that.

You see, I'm pre-diabetic, meaning I'm at a very high risk to develop diabetes if I don't shape up and start taking care of myself. I should be following a diabetics diet, which means reducing my sugar intake, as well as simple carbs, as they just turn into sugar.

I love simple carbs and sugar.

I will eat a whole pot of Minute Rice for dinner. I will devour three chocolate bars and a bottle of Pepsi. The real Pepsi, not that diet shit. I will inhale what is likely three or four servings of pasta and not think twice. I will consume two or three bowls of Lucky Charms in the morning, and maybe again at bedtime.

Are ya beginning to see my problem?

So yes, you can see how I got so fat. It's pretty obvious, but I didn't really want to admit it for a long time. I had tried to lose weight a few times before, with marginal success. I had almost gotten to my pre-moving weight before I hit a wall and just gave up.

But that was a month ago. Things have changed for ol' Ginger.

I cut out pretty much all carbs and sugar. I went through sugar withdraw and thought my headache and jitters would never go away. Instead of going three days without eating a single vegetable, I meet my food guide requirements.

I now go in a 12 days on, 2 days off sort of cycle. Every two weeks, on the weekend, I get to eat whatever I want. This usually means I have a bagel instead of eggs for breakfast. I enjoy that bagel.

Although, I find that after the two days are up, I've taken three steps backwards in my weight loss. So I'm thinking I might have to make it a couple of free meals instead of a couple of free days. That pizza and beer after the bout on Saturday really didn't help me much.

So where I might have been down 8 or 9 pounds, I'm only down about 5. My current weight is:

*insert stupid scale beeping like on The Biggest Loser*

230.3 lbs

It's not much, but it's better than nothing.

Perhaps a goal for next week? Say, 2 pounds minimum? Whaddya think?

Wish me luck!

Veggies and Dip,

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