Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WLW: Who's counting?

This week marks the end of the first portion of the Busiest Summer Of Life.

It's also the penultimate week of this whole weight loss thing I've been doing. I can't recall the exact start date, but I think it was in the latter half of June, so I'm going with it being next week.

Anyhoo, rather than talk about food and numbers, this week I'm going to focus on shape and tone.

See, this past weekend, I played in my sixth roller derby bout. It was a very hard game, very physical on both sides. Grande Prairie is a much more advanced team than we are, in terms of the game itself, so it was an... interesting experience, let's say.

Eleven months ago I played in my first ever bout. It was a short-bench, maybe 8 or 9 skaters, after an 8 hour boot camp with the fabulous Tye Die. I really didn't know what exhaustion was until that day was finally over.

Here's a photo from that first bout. I'm the chick on the very far right in black.

Wow, it's not until I look back that I can actually see how heavy I really was. It's not a wonder I was always in the back and struggling to keep up.

Fast forward to now, after nearly 12 months of attempting to eat properly, exercise more, and try to get in good enough shape that I don't always have to play catch up with the pack.

This is a photo from this past weekend. It's only from the back, but I think the difference is still pretty clear. I'm the one in black that's the farthest left.

After basically spending last season riding the inside line, I've gotten my agility up some more, not super great, but getting better; I can actually do my 25-in-5 with no real problem, and my coach is starting to Jam me.

Yes, people, my helmet in the above photo has a red spot on it. That's because, for the first time ever, I pulled on the Jammer panty in a real live game and gave it a whirl. I didn't make it through the pack, but I gave it a shot. That's more than I would have done back in that first game.

So yeah, all-in-all, I'm actually quite pleased with how I've progressed. I'm starting to get more physical and actually hit some bitches, and being an asset to my team. So I'm happy.

Next week's post will likely be some big long lamenting entry, so enjoy the upbeatness of this one!

Smashy Smashy!
Ginger. :)

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