Saturday, August 18, 2012

WLS(?): Oopsies

I dunno where the days went this week, but I had every intention of updating this on Wednesday!

Then Wednesday came and went. Then Thursday.... the Friday.

Now I wake up and think, maybe I should just skip it this week?

No! Accountability! I've had very little this week! I need it again!

So yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Anyhoo, in case you missed it, here's my recounting of the Emperor's Challenge it all it's painful glory.

I'm not going to rehash everything, instead I'm gonna share all the wonderful advice my mom's chiropractor gave her before the race, and how it pretty much saved my ass.

First of all, the man is wise in many ways. And a hell of a lot more supportive than most. I think he was the only person to tell my mom that she could definitely finish the EC. However, he did have some good tips to help her, and by proxy me, through it.

Firstly, and obviously, keep drinking water. Could not stress that enough. I felt like I'd drank gallons of water but still needed more. It's funny because normally if I drink that much water I'd have to pee every 10 minutes. Not the case here. Clearly all that water was being put to good use.

Also along that vein, he asked mom if she'd ever had gatorade or any sort of energy food before. She said no and he replied don't start. At least not during the race. If your body isn't used to it, you probably shouldn't try it. Get your heart racing and not in the good way, he said.

Secondly, don't forget to eat! I usually don't eat before the shorter 5 or 10k races, mostly because I do actually jog those distances and I don't like that feeling of food sloshing around while I do that. However, in this particular race, I was willing to make an exception. And it so totally helped. Every time I looked like I was going to faint, mom made me stop for water and some trail mix. Just a handful and some water to wash it down.

I actually couldn't believe how revitalized I felt after just a handful. It made all the difference and I'm so glad that we had it.

He also said that on race day, you could eat anything you wanted and because of the amount calories you'd burn, whatever you took in will essentially even out.

I heard that and the first thing I did was look at mom and say "I want pizza."

And oh, did we have pizza at the end of the day. It was far and beyond the best pizza I'd ever eaten. Nothing has ever tasted as good as that pizza did.

I pretty much took the last week off from doing any major exercise, just to give myself some time to relax and recover. I really need to get back on that horse and start going for long walks or maybe even start jogging again. Gotta exercise outside while I still can.

I am also back on the proper eating horse, which I graciously fell off this past week. I really need to go grocery shopping.

That's it for me this week, I'm off to take photos of the Fall Fair. Yes, the Fall Fair. In August.

Pizza and Water,

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