Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WLW: Post Wedding Aftermath


Okay, for reals, wow. I haven't danced and drank that much in what feels like years.

Going down to Kelowna to watch Mr. and Mrs. Dash become Mr. and Mrs. Dash was one hell of a party. The next morning felt like I'd been at college night at Splash's and had to get up for my 8:30 a.m. Abnormal Psychology class.

One of these things is not like the others...
It's Lisa, cuz she's so tan.

Which I always did. I was paying for that fucking class, I was going hungover or not!


So yes, lots of food and candy and popcorn was consumed. Even more gin, which I'm pretty sure I was sweating out by the time I got home... I felt really really bad for the people that had to sit next to me on the planes. I fucking reeked.

It's hot as balls in the Okanagan too, which I knew, but clearly blocked from my memory.

Hot. As. Balls.

I haven't climbed on the scale at all, mostly because I'm terrified of the result. Plus, who the fuck cares right now!?!? I had a blast this weekend and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Plus I now have to turn my attention to the Emperor's Challenge in three days.

I'm trying to eat like they suggest on the website: no red meat, cut back on the dairy, eat some freakin' carbs cuz you're going to need the energy to drag your ass over the mountain, that sorta thing.

I'm still a little nervous about the EC, but my sports reporter told me that her roommate did it last year when she was 35 weeks pregnant and managed to finish it in under five hours, including rest and photo breaks.

Okay, if massively pregnant people can finish it, then so can I! So fuck you, Nerves!

Next week's edition will likely be all about the EC, so be prepared for that.

I'm thinking I should start shilling myself as a wedding photographer – I seem to be not half bad at it.


And on that note, I'm out.

Rings and Cake,

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