Wednesday, August 1, 2012

WLW: Propose a Toast...

... to the last wedding I'll be attending this year! Cheers!

The Busiest Summer Of Life is nearing an end, thank fuck for that. The last wedding this weekend and the Emperor's Challenge next weekend. The end is truly in sight now.

I'm starting to get nervous over the EC, mostly because I'm worried it's going to be a million times harder than I'm expecting it to be.

Even though I'm working on going up hills by going through the community forest in the mornings at least three times a week, I'm worried it won't be enough and Mom and I won't make the cutoff time to get it done in the allotted five hours.

Okay, deep breath. It's going to be fine. We're going to keep a good steady pace, jog when we feel the need and just keep moving. That's all. It'll be fine.

Won't it?


Better to think of the wedding! There'll be wine and dancing and all sorts of fun stuff! Yay!

Anyhoo, weight-wise, I'm still in the two-teens – 218 to be exact. I'm kosher with that for now. I'm going to have to rework my exercise plans now that roller derby season is over. Maybe I'll work Jazzercise in on a regular basis?

That's all I got for today. I've had some incredibly long days at work and I'm in desperate need of sleep. So Imma head to bed and see what the gang in Westeros is up to lately. I haven't picked up my book in almost a week, I miss it!

Tequila and Turpentine (Thanks, Porny!)

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