Friday, September 9, 2011

Random Photo Friday: Summer Sun

So, the blog got itself a little facelift, as those who have been following for awhile can see. I like it much better this way, looks cleaner.

I'll probably rotate out the header whenever the mood strikes me, but for now I like the old school typewriter. Very retro.

I also finally got around to resizing the ECRDA logo under the Derby Love sidebar, which looks a damn sight better too. If any other league out there wants their team logo on the list, by all means, let me know in the comments. I'll link back to your league/team website and everything!

Anyhoo, photo time!

So summer finally decided to show its ugly face after fucking off for June, July and August. This sucks balls for me, since I'm not a good heat person and my top floor apartment turns into a sauna when the temperature gets above 20C.

So here's a random photo ofmy favourite time of day: when the sun goes away.

Farewell and Fuck You, Sun!

Taken off my balcony when I noticed the light outside had a real tungsten feel to it.

So, yeah. Let me know how you like the new look of the blog!

Heat and Exhaustion,

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