Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WLW: I love wine

It's true. I love wine. White wine to be specific. Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Sauvingnon Blanc, Riesling – it's all good. I've never been down with red wines, since to me they taste like that bile aftertaste you get in your mouth after vomiting. How's that for a lovely mental picture?

On the right, deliciousness! On the left, a glass of puke.

It's something I haven't allowed myself since I started this whole weight loss thing. White wine has a shit tonne of sugar in it, so I've stayed away from my favourite alcoholic bevvy, instead opting for Gin andTonic, since that's really the only hard liquor I can drink without pop or juice to mix it. Plus, wine makes me gain a minimum of three pounds in bloatiness, every single time.

Why am I bringing up white wine? Well, in case you haven't guessed already, I had some this weekend. And by some, I mean probably the equivalent to an entire bottle. To myself.

See, I went to a wedding this weekend. I love weddings, especially ones where I'm not related to anyone and don't have to deal with family bullshit. People tend to be at their happiest when they see two people who love each other pledge to be together for ever and ever.

It's a celebration of love, and what better way to celebrate that then with wine? Seriously?

I know what you're thinking, 'but Ginger, couldn't you have just had your Gin and Tonics at the wedding?' I could have, yes. But someone attending the wedding was allergic to citrus, which meant no limes to put in my Gin and Tonic.

That's a weak excuse, I know. But that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

In addition to practically drinking my weight in wine, I also indulged in the dessert table. Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate butter cream icing? Fuck, yes!

Not the ones I had at the wedding, but.... pretty colours!

So between cupcakes and wine, plus the hangover food I ate the day after, who wants to bet I did really shitty this week?

It's true, I did do shitty this week, but I'm not going to let myself feel bad about it. Been there, done that the past two weeks. I refuse to feel bad this week.

I got to see a friend and co-worker marry a wonderful women that doesn't take any of his shit and quite frankly is perfect for him, which makes her eight shades of awesome.

I refuse to feel guilty about celebrating love. There's not enough in this world, it feels like sometimes. Otherwise, why would everyone keep saying 'we gotta stop hating, we gotta love each other'?

So let's focus on stuff I love this past week, weight-related or otherwise.

I love that the dress pants I bought in Montana are looser, and not just because I've 'broken them in'.

I love that my waistline is down to 35.5 inches – the max a woman's waistline is supposed to be is 35 inches, otherwise they're carrying too much heart-attack belly fat – which is getting me closer to being that much healthier.

I love that I've finally made the decision to replace my dead DSLR so I can get back to working on my photography. I haven't done any 'artsy' photography is close to a year, and I've missed it terribly. Along that line, I also love that I'm in a place in my life where I can contemplate dropping $1,700 on a camera and not feel like I'll never be able to pay for it.

I love that I was able to talk to my bestie out in Newfoundland for a little while today.

I love that bellydancing is back tonight, even though my knee is still being a bitch and shimmying might not work so well.

I love that my orange travel mug from Whitehorse is full of delicious Highland Grogg coffee right now... mmmmm, tasty.

So yeah, there's a few things that I love at the moment.

So onward to what I don't love so much.

Last week saw no change in my weight, which left me at 223.6 lbs.

This week I sit at....


224.6 lbs

I'm up a pound, which sucks. BUT! Remember how I said wine makes me gain three pounds? Well, maybe I've lost two of those three, and just need to take off the last pound of wine weight! Right? Right!

I am totally back on track with my eating – I think I've been consuming too much fruit lately – so we'll see what the next week brings.

Lots and Love,

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