Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WLW: BDay Aftermath

Who says material possessions can't make you happy?

The exorbitant purchase of my new camera, while inspiring dread at the prospect of paying it off over the next however-many months, also made me very giddy at the prospect of finally being able to take a decent photograph again. My happiness trumps the money spent! So there!

Ordinarily my free weekends are just that – Saturday and Sunday. Well... this free weekend kind of started on Thursday.

I took Friday off, you see. Gave myself a nice long weekend that, quite frankly, I have more than earned. So Thursday night's dinner, I believe was a bag of chips. It's weird, I used to be such a sugar fanatic – an addict if you will – but now all I want it salt. Mostly in potato chip form. Lays Sour Cream and Onion potato chip form, to be exact.

You really can't eat just one. I tried. And failed.

I ate two bags of those damn things this weekend. But thankfully on the days I did eat them, they were pretty much all I ate. Despite not eating super healthy, I didn't eat a whole lot that was unhealthy... I think.

I was given a cupcake by by dear friend Porny, which was absolutely delicious because the pink icing – that I thought would just taste, you know, pink – tasted like strawberries. So yummy. It's a good thing there's no fancy cupcake shop in this town, or even an actual bakery beyond the grocery stores for that matter. I'd weigh 350 lbs if that were the case, I'm sure of it.

While making the trek to the big city of GP, I admit I was tempted to hit the drive-thru at Arby's and bring home a bag of sandwiches like we used to do way back when. Of course, back then, that bag of sandwiches was split between three kids, and not consumed by one woman that was starving after wandering around the mall for a couple hours.

I instead went to the Opa Souvlaki of Greece near the box stores. It wasn't too much better than the two or three giant sized roast beef sandwiches I wanted (which would have tasted fucking amazing, by the way), but at least there was some salad at Opa.

But getting back on track as of Monday must have helped... either that or the scale had a typo somewhere.

So last week a weighed in at 221.7 lbs. This week my weight is...


What? The beeper is broken.

221.1 lbs.

Down a few ounces, which puts my total weight loss at 14.4 lbs.

So close to being out of the 220's... I can taste it.

Get it? Ha ha, I'm funny.

Chips and Dip,

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