Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WLW: Cake?

So I'm adding another food to my list of Foods I Can't Eat Because They Make Me Sick. Currently, white pasta and milk chocolate top the list. After this weekend, I'm adding fries.

Which totally sucks balls, because I love fries. Especially when they're under gravy and cheese.

Formerly, joy. Currently, evil.

I really can't believe how ill I felt on the weekend. I didn't even eat that many fries, just a few that were left at the bottom of the bag in the freezer. But not 30 minutes after finishing my little lunch I had to lay down with a rolling stomach and raging headache. I slept for two hours...two freakin' hours!! That's not normal.

I've made an appointment to discuss this with my doctor. After Googling my symptoms, it looks like I'm having blood sugar spikes, which apparently aren't healthy. I know the easiest way to solve this problem is to not eat stuff that makes me feel sick, but I'd like to know the reason why they make me feel sick.

So yeah. Beyond my little fry adventure, I was pretty good this week. It was unseasonably warm last week, which made it ridiculously hot in my apartment, which in turn made cooking dinner and eating the last thing I felt like doing. Not eating is bad, I know. But if you lived in the sauna that is my apartment in summer weather, you wouldn't want to turn the stove/oven on either.

This coming weekend is a free weekend, which is a damn good thing because it's.... dun dun DUN!... my birthday! That means I get cake! Yay!


I don't know where or how I'll get cake but I'll find some one way or another.

On with the show!

Last week was wine weight gain, but things were looking up for this week. Lots of fruit and veggies, minimal carbs. Keep your fingers crossed!

My weight last week was 224.6 lbs

This week I weigh in at....


221.7 lbs, for a total weight loss of 13.8 lbs

Back on track, bitches!!!!!

Hopefully, now that bellydance and now derby are back, I'll get more exercise and shed some more poundage.

Calories don't count on your birthday, right?

Cake and Skates,

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