Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WLW: Emotional Eating

I wasn't going to post this week... it was not a good week.

I did a lot of emotional eating over the weekend. I haven't done that in a long time because, you know, I've been trying to break myself of that habit. Doing that was how I got so fat in the first place.

It's actually really bizarre – when I feel sad, I don't feel hungry. Quite the opposite in fact, but I eat anyway. I eat stuff that's easy to get and doesn't involve any preparation beyond throwing it in the oven.

I need to find another outlet besides food to make me feel better when I'm feeling sad. Generally, I know that going for a walk often helps, but by the time I thought of that on the weekend, it was far too late to be wandering around town.

I was expecting a massive gain, which would probably have depressed me even more after coming so far. And yes, I have come far in this. I may not be down 30 pounds yet, but I'm doing alright.

This weekend I have a meeting in PG. It's kind of a milestone for me, since it was at the last meeting I had in K-Town that I made the decision to get healthier. I've thinned out quite a bit since those people last saw me, so it's going to be interesting if they notice after not having seen me since June.

It's kind of crazy, looking back at when I started this – God I hate this word – journey. Did you know, that I weigh more now than I did when I joined Weight Watchers the first time, back in 2007? It's true! I think I may just throw myself a party when I get down to that original starting weight of 209 lbs.

Considering how heavy I was a few months ago, it just seems bizarre that I felt the need to go to WW at that size. But then, I look at photos of me at that weight, and you can see why. Here's one:

I see you, Baby... shakin' that ass!

Actually, maybe I wasn't all that fat at the time... it just seemed like it, considering I was about 20 pounds heavier than I was a year prior. But I was very soft back then. I didn't do any real exercise beyond walking, which actually helped immensely once I started WW. Between dancing and derby, I'm far more toned now than I was then, so 209 should look pretty damn good on me... you know, once I get there.

So anyhoo, I am going to share the number, as it wasn't nearly as bad as I was dreading.

Last week's weight was 221.1 lbs.

This week's number is...


220.7 lbs

Putting me at 14.8 lbs total weight loss.

Not a huge loss, but totally not a gain. I'll take it.

And now that we're past all this emotional drama, next results should be much improved.

Snacks and stuff,

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