Monday, October 31, 2011


I love Hallowe'en!

Any time I get the opportunity to dress up as something scary is an amazing time in my books.

Up until Saturday night, I hadn't actually gone out for Hallowe'en since 2008, which thinking about makes die a little bit on the inside... the last couple years were so hard for me, not going out and partying like a zombie. I didn't have many friends to hang with after Hallowe'en 2008, since they all moved away. So I spent 2009 and 2010 at home, eating candy, getting fat and telling myself that all those fuckers at the parties around town weren't having as good a time as I figured they were.

This year I said 'Fuck that noise!' and got a ticket for one of the parties. Fortunately, a couple of my derbies were going to, so I didn't have to go by myself and be a loser in the corner! Hooray!

A few weeks ago I went perusing my closet to try and put together a costume for the party. I figured I could just be a Scary Fairy again, but may switch it up by using a different dress.

Well, as it turns out, all that candy eating made me too fat to wear any of the stuff I wore in 2008. And since I really didn't want to half-ass it, I turned to the Internet to try and find something, anything to wear.

I found a pretty sweet costume, one I wouldn't have thought of getting, but worked out very well, as you can see:

A female Freddy Krueger. With her next victim.... mwahahaha!

I didn't see any other Freddy at the party I was at, so yay for being semi-original!

It was definitely worth it, it revived my love of Hallowe'en, and all was right in Ginger's world.

So scare the hell outta some kids and pop in a scary movie, Happy Hallowe'en!

Tricks and Treats,

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