Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WLW: Expectations

Brace yourself – I'm talking about food again.

I fully expected to come out of this weekend with a gain.

I mean, how could I not? I was down in Vancouver for a meeting with free beer and free food! Combined with two rather late nights with very early mornings (who came up with idea that delegates coming in from out of town should have be actually awake and lucid for breakfast at 7:30 a.m.?!!?), I'm surprised I'm not full on sick right now.

Of course, I probably just jinxed myself, butI digress.

I was on an executive floor in the Holiday Inn Downtown Vancouver, with a king sized bed (yay!) and a floor to ceiling mirror that really wasn't too forgiving. Yikes. Here's the view from my room:

Good thing I'd found out ahead of time where we were staying,
I originally thought it was across the street...

It feels like all I do at these things is eat. There are designated times for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And this time, it was all buffet style. Oh sweet jesus, do you know how hard it is to resist going back for seconds when food tastes that good?

The banquet dinner was spectacular. Seafood, chicken, pasta.... that spinach canneloni was to die for.

Hell, even the one meal I had to pay for at Joeys was amazing. My steak was perfect, and they have something called crispy mashed potatoes. What's a crispy mashed potato, you ask? Well it's mashed potatoes, wrapped up in a spring roll, fried, then topped with sour cream and bacon bits. And not those crappy little simulated bacon bits – like bacon bits that used to be whole strips of bacon. Fucking delicious. And brilliant!

I love bacon, can you tell? Had a lot of that, too.

Then there's the booze. First night, hospitality room. Free beer! Have as much as you want! I think I only had two, just because I hadn't eaten yet and was halfway gone after just those two. But then at dinner I just had to try the Super Sonic Gin and Tonic the waiter suggested. Look at the name, I had to try it. It was basically a G&T with slush. They add slush to all their drinks. Very odd.

So aside from the food and booze, there were other awesome things about the weekend. I got to see some friends I haven't seen in years, which was yay! Hanging with those friends and their other friends, I came to the stunning realization that I'm not a club girl in any sense of the word. I went out wearing jeans, a regular black shirt, a new cardigan and my new sketchers, while many of the other girls there were in five inch heels, miniskirts and sparkly tops with their tits out to here. In comparison, I looked like I was in my pyjamas.

In da club!

Not so much.

I'm okay with that though, I like pyjamas.

I also did a little shopping, because retail therapy always makes me feel better.

So I did gain, most likely from beer bloat. Just to show I'm not wussing out again, I am, as of this week, only down 10 lbs total. Which sucks, but I had a good time this weekend. It was worth it.

I think I should make some kind of long term goal. I'd really like the be down 25 lbs by the New Year. Which will be exceedingly difficult as we're moving into the season of Halloween candy and Christmas parties. Oh, and that order I just put in for Purdy's Chocolates. But, I think I can do it. And with roller derby being done until March, I need to find some other physical activity.

I did go to the walking track last night for about an hour – I even tried running a lap! And I ran the whole lap without stopping. I could've done more, but I forgot my inhaler and got all wheezy. I'm going to try and do more running laps when I go walking laps.

We'll see how things go. It's Halloween party weekend, which means more booze, but I'm going to stick with the G&Ts so we can avoid the beer bloat. I will have photos to share of my kick ass costume later next week.

So I'm going to get back on track, I already started today. I'm finding that my soup n' salad lunch wasn't doing it for me, so I'm going back to my salad and protein regiment.

You know, I just realized I only said Fuck once in this post... how fucking weird is that?!

Food and booze,

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