Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WLW: And it finally catches up...

I knew I jinxed myself last week. I just fucking knew it.

A lovely sinus cold has creeped its way into my face, turning my nose into a faucet and my throat to sandpaper. This is totally not cool, since I'm going to PG on Friday and I want to actually enjoy myself and learn something at Sk8fest.

A coworker had the same cold a couple weeks ago, and I think she got over it in, something like, three days? Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, since I have no intention of bailing on Sk8fest, but I still want to have the energy to participate in both the boot camp and the bout.

Which is why I'm going to drink my NeoCitran like a good girl and get lots of sleep between now and the time I leave. And if I'm still not feeling up to snuff, I'll just ingest a lot of daytime cold medicine... hell, it might help with my skating!

As of this morning, I'm still sitting at 225lbs, which is bizzare since I've barely eaten anything since Saturday. When I feel like crap, I only want to eat my comfort foods. But since I've taken myself off of mushroom rice (oh how I miss you!), I'm relying on soup to fill that void. So between all the water and soup, you'd think I'd be down SOMETHING! But no, scale is being a total bitch today.

Maybe it's due to the nutritional black hole I've been consuming:

Pictured: A Nutritional Black Hole

This shit has all the nutritional value of a lego block, but it's easy on my stomach, which hasn't been to happy lately, and it's nice to my throat. So I eat it.

My sister and I were going to start doing step aerobics yesterday, but that kinda fell by the wayside as we were both feeling like hammered shit. Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow and she's feeling better tomorrow so we can get started.

So I'm gonna go boil some more water and choke down that vile NeoCitran and get this cold out of my system. Wish me luck!

Kleenex and Cold Medicine,

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