Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WLW: Sigh

I had much stress last week with all the parking drama. It's been resolved – thank fuck for that – but I was an absolute wreck by the time Saturday rolled around. tells me that yes, stress can make you gain weight, even if you're not being an emotional eater like I usually am. I didn't emo-eat this week, I was too upset, so I'm gonna guess it's cortisol or something hormone-y related.

Also, I'm trying to exercise more. And that always makes me heavier on the scale at first.

See, our derby coach gave us a not-too-subtle hint that we should be getting into shape for next season, because he's going to murder us or something if we don't. Okay, those weren't his exact words, but you can tell that was the real message if you read between the lines... Basically he doesn't want us getting all soft over the break. Which I get.

So after pondering what I can do to try and get into shape, I made the decision to drag my ass out of bed an hour earlier than usual to do this lovely little torture device called Roller Derby Workout.

Good Morning, Ginger! We're here to kill you!

It's all leg, core and ass work, and painful as fuck. And despite what it says on the cover there, they want you to wear skates while you do it because they talk to you like you're wearing skates. I'm not quite there yet, maybe in another week I'll get brave and release my skates from their prison. For now, my own body weight will have to suffice, because I can barely walk when I'm done.

On top of this, I'm also going to the indoor walking track right after work to power walk for an hour. I have to go to the track straight from work, otherwise I'll find some way to talk myself out of going if I'm home for any amount of time. I know me, I'm like that.

I'll be doing this Monday to Friday, then maybe just going regular walking on the weekends... or maybe I'll try actually jogging instead. Might be time to climb back on that horse.

Today was only my third day doing this, so I don't expect any results just yet. I've heard from a very reliable source (my sister) that it takes 21 days of doing something before it becomes a habit. So I'm going to try this for three weeks and see what I get.

It's funny – I was having a discussion with my coworker the other day about how I seem to do one or the other, eat right or exercise. It's rarely both. When I'm eating properly, I don't seem to exercise as much. When I'm exercising a lot, I tend to eat more since exercise makes me hungry. Surely there's a nice comfortable middle ground in there somewhere?

I'm up two pounds from last week, but according to the magic scale, I'm like down a pound of fat... is it possible to gain muscle in two days? I wouldn't think so, but maybe it is? I'm going to tell myself that's the case – it makes me feel better.

So I'm once again only down nine pounds, but now is not the time to get discouraged! I've got a dance performance and derby season coming up in the New Year, and I'm going to look fab for both! Yay!

To end this post on a high note, here's a photo I took earlier this week at dusk.


Bend and Stretch,

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